Party: Chunk the half orc barbarian, Gileas the human bard, Karismia the human wizard, and Ilidan Hunzrin the drow rogue.

The party gathers in the small town of Julkoun on the Sword Coast, a few days journey east from Waterdeep, where they are summoned by the wizard Tyndareus.  

Tyndareus offers gold to the party if they can find and return an old Apple Pie recipe from Tyndareus’ youth.  

On the way to the bakery the party encounters and encounters and defeats a Bug Bear.  Down the road the players find the bakery.  They learn from a treant that the bakery is filled with Goblins, and from a group of Dryads where the recipe is located inside.   The party eliminates goblins scouting outside, and then purges the goblins inside the warehouse.  Inside the party finds 75gp from a safe, and 8gp from a lockbox, 20gp  in spices, a 10gp signet ring, and 10gp in fancy curtains that Chunk wears.  In addition, Karismia is able to learn a limited ‘Cold of Cone’ spell to refrigerate (not damage) from the cooler room, and the party found a spell book containing Druidcraft, Entangle, Purify Food and Drink, and Speak with Plants.

After finding the recipe, Chunk wandered out into the enchanted workbench area in the middle of the warehouse floor, hoping to find the last of the goblins to murder.   4 goblins dropped from the rafters to surprise and surround the party.  Karismia was brutally attacked, but was saved from death by Gileas.   The party proceeded to kill the last of the goblins.

The party is rewarded by Tyndareus with 10gp gold ea and Gileas receives a rust colored Bag of Tricks.

After completing Tyndareus’ mission, some of the party continue on to Waterdeep to connect with old friends at the Yawning Portal.