Party: Declan the human barbarian, Ghilanna the elf Sorceress, Gileas the human bard, and Ilidan Hunzrin the drow rogue.

Iliden and Gileas make their way from Julkoun to Waterdeep.  In Waterdeep they visit the Yawning Portal in search of adventuring opportunities, and strike up a conversation with Declan and Ghilanna.  After assisting Yagra Strongfist (Gileas heals) and helping to defeat a troll that had crawled out of the Yawning Portal, the group is approached by Volo to find his missing friend Floon.   Each player is given 10gp with promises of 10x more when Floon is returned.   Earlier in the day Volo made the same offer to Pancoril the Ranger and his associate but they have not been heard from since.

The group heads down to the dockward to investigate and come across the bloody aftermath of a battle between the Xanathar’s Guild and the Zhentarim.  Iliden assists the City Watch when one of the surviving Zhentarim prisoners tries to escape.  The group question the proprietor of the Old Xoblob Shop and learn that someone matching Floon’s description was seen  being jumped by 5 dark clad humans while walking with another similar looking human.  Further investigation at the Skewered Dragon (a lively game of Sava between Iliden and a dwarf called Solomil Silverfingers) confirms that Floon left with Renaer Neverember, the son of Dagult Nevermeber, the previous Open Lord of Waterdeep followed by a handful of characters that can usually be found at a warehouse over on Candle Lane.

The party finds the warehouse and sneaks in, finding 4 Kenku and a half dozen more bodies.   A fierce battle ensues, and Iliden is nearly killed.  After the group kills two of the Kenku, one Kenku surrenders and the other runs off.  The group interrogates the Kenku prisoner and determine that the scene is the aftermath of another battle between the Xanathar guild and the Zhentarim, and that the Xanathar guild likely took Floon from the Zhentarim and went into the sewers.  The party finds a hidden room with silver and valuable paintings and then finds Renaer Neverember tied up in a closet under the stairs.   Neverember is grateful and explains that the Zhents were looking for him to see what he knew about the Stone of Golorr, a key to finding a stash of money that his father had allegedly embezzled.   He believes Floon got caught up as a result of mistaken identity and offers to assist the party in Floons recovery.   The city watch shows up as the party is preparing to leave.  Gileas (with an assist from Neverember) bluffs the watch into letting the party keep the stash they found.  The party sets off with Neverember to rest and recover before heading into the sewers.

Session Loot:  
10gp each from Volo
4 x 75gp = 300gp paintings
15 * 50gp = 750gp silver bars