Party: Declan the human barbarian, Ghilanna the elf Sorceress, Gileas the human bard, Ilidan Hunzrin the drow rogue, and Kelderrin a gnome rogue.

Declan, Ghilanna, Giles, and Ilidan return to the Yawning Portal with Renear Neverember to recover from their encounter with the Xanathar’s guild in the Dock ward.  While there, they run into Volo and Kelderrin, one of a pair of adventurers that Volo had previously hired to find Floon.  The party updates Volo and he suggests that Kelderrin join the group in the morning when they journey into the sewers where they believe the Xanathar’s guild took Floon.  Kelderrin’s partner has not checked in yet after the pair split up to follow leads.

In the morning the group stocks up on potions and then explores the sewers in the Dock Ward.   Gileas makes good use of the Rusty Bag of Tricks that he earned from Tyndereus in exchange for an apple pie recipe, summoning a goat and two lions after entering the sewers.   After some hours of exploring the putrid sewers, following yellow Xanathar symbols, Iliden and a lion encounter a lone Gazer, and make short work of it.   Proceeding more cautiously, the group takes fire from 2 arrow slits at a tunnel intersection and force their way into one of the guard stations to overpower a lone goblin.  Tragically, the goat didn’t make it through the intersection.  The group then dashes to a secret door and encounters another group of goblins.   The party defeats the goblins, and during the battle Gileas and Kelderrin noticed an Illithid observing the battle from an upstairs door.  They search the area and find a pillar with the Xanathar’s mark along with an spherical indention on the pillar but they are unable to make use of it.

Nervous about facing an Illithid, the party reverses course and explores a northern path instead of following the Illithid through the door.  The path runs north and then turns back east until the group comes to a large room.  Ilidan scouts ahead and spies a human and a durgar in the next room.   They are desperately trying to barricade a door.  The party uses the duo’s distraction and surprise them.  They quickly defeat the human, who they recognize as Krentz from the Yawning Portal the previous day due to his eyeball tattoos, and get into a slugfest with the Durgar.  The Durgar eventually turns invisible and escapes.   Hoping they’ve found Floon at last, the part opens the barricaded door only to find a restroom with two goblin corpses consumed in a grey ooze which has come up through a hole in the floor.  They quickly shut and barricade the door.  The only exit takes them upstairs to a door that would seem to be in the same general vicinity as the room they hoped to avoid with the Illithid earlier.

The party approaches the door …