Party: Declan the human barbarian, Ghilanna the elf Sorceress, Gileas the human bard, Ilidan Hunzrin the drow rogue, Pancoril the human rogue, and Kelderrin a gnome rogue.

 After killing Krentz, the Xanathar guild member they had seen the previous day fighting with a half orc in the Yawning Portal, the party continues through the sewer structure to a closed door.   After opening the door the party sees an Ilithid holding an Intellect Devourer, the Duergar they had fought previously, 3 goblins holding a bound ranger, and a half orc magic user torturing a man on the ground.

 Concerned about the Ilithid, Declan closes the door and the party decides to split, with Declan and Kelderrin backtracking to the door they had originally seen the Ilithid coming through earlier.  The rest of the party waits a few minutes and enters the room.

The ilithid and a goblin leave through the side door as the ecounter starts.  Gilieas’ lion pounces and is then destroyed.  Ilidan take a strong hit and Gilleas is knocked out of the fight by the Duergar, who grows into a giant, while Pancoril keeps the Intellect Devourer occupied kicking it around the room like a soccer ball, and Ghilanna and Grumshun engage in a firebolt duel.

Meanwhile, Declan and Kelderrin enter the pylon room just in time to see the Ilithid and a goblin leave through a portal in the pylon.  Declan and Kelderrin continue through the side door into the main room and surprise the half orc battling with Ghilanna . 

 Reunited, the party revives and heals their injured companions and team up to defeat the dangerous giant Duergar.   After reclaiming his gear from an adjacent room, Pancorilupdates the party, describing how he was spotted and captured while tracking the Xanathar’s guild members after they abducted Floon from the Zhent warehouse the night before.

 The party makes its way back through the sewers and returns Floon to Volo at the Yawning Portal. Floon is overjoyed, but reveals to the players that he does not have any gold on hand.  Instead he offers them the deed to Troll Skulll Manor, which the players learn is a rather dilapidated mansion in the North Ward.   The players accept the deal and begin to introduce themselves to their new neighbors.  Renaer Neverember is also very grateful to the players and offers to introduce them to key community members including options for borrowing money to help get Troll Skull fixed up (he suggests Mirt as the most honest money lender available for this type of thing).

We will be starting with the basics for turning Troll Skull into a business (from Dragon Heist and the DM Handbook).  There are opportunities for additional add ons and bonuses as the business grows.