Party: Declan the human barbarian, Ghilanna the elf Sorceress, Gileas the human bard, Ilidan Hunzrin the drow rogue, and Jax the half elf rogue.

Having captured the cult leader Vance Lifften, Laerel Silverhand instructs the party to pursue the demon that they believe is trying to infiltrate Waterdeep.   Disappointed by their timidity, she instructs the party to take along Jax, another Lord’s Alliance member to help complete their mission.  They track the Babau demon to a cave near the south wall where they battle and defeat it.  Declan decapitates the demon, after it does not disappear upon death (speculation is that the summoning process prevented the Demon from returning to its natural plane of existence, trapping it in the prime material plane).

The party returns to TrollSkull for rest, while Ilidan and Jax head to the Yawning Portal to look for work for the party.   There they are greeted by Yagra Stonefist, who recognized Ilidan from the Troll incident at the Yawning Portal days earlier.   Yagra invites them to her table where they meet a group of Zhentarim, including Davil Starsong (leader), Istrid Horn, Skeemo Weirdbottle, Tashlyn Yafeera, and Ziraj the Hunter.  Davil offers 250gp to help solve a series of recent murders of Elfs and Half Elfs in the dock ward.  

Back at Trollskull the party is visited by Anslem Griggons, the Inn Keeper at the Harvest Home inn in Undercliff Village.  He is so impressed by the party’s deeds that he rewards them and lets them know that news of their great feat has spread throughout Undercliff.   As Anslem leaves, JB Nevercott arrives to offer the party work.  They let him know that they’ve already been hired for the next few days to resolve some murders in the Dock Ward, to which Nevercott wishes them well with a wink.

Later that evening the party sets out to the Dock Ward to investigate the murder.  By using their networks and asking around, they understand more about the murders and taverns involved, and are able to use deduction to identify the most likely next target (taverns that are open late and serve elven alcohol) and setup an ambush using Jax and Ghilana as bait.   The party is largely successful at setting the trap, but are discovered and attacked by a Drowse from a 3rd story balcony.  After targeting the party, the Drow flees across rooftops when he is attacked by Ziraj the Hunter (who Jax and Iliden recognize from the Yawning Portal earlier).  The City Watch arrives before any clues can be found.   The party returns to the Yawning Portal to confront Davil Starsong about the presence of Ziraj.  Ziraj arrives soon after and an argument ensues, with Ziraj accusing the party of incompetence or complicity in letting the Drow escape.  Declan begins a physical confrontation with Ziraj, but both parties intervene and the group returns to Troll Skill for the night.

XP: 1200 each

Renown (uncovering and disrupting cult, defeating scarecrows, defeating demon): 

+2 Lord’s Alliance 
+2 Harpers

Gold: 100gpfrom Anslem Griggons
Periapt of Health (the party nominates Gileas to hold it)