Party:  Declan the human barbarian, Ghilanna the elf Sorceress, Gileas the human bard, Ilidan Hunzrin the drow rogue, Jax the half elf rogue, Pancoril the human rogue, and Kelderrin the gnome rogue.

After days of carousing, Pancoril regained his senses in a local orphanage having eaten all of the children’s cookies, while Kelderrin woke up in his bed at Troll Skull Manor with one of the workers tied up in his room.   The completed party was greeted by one of the neighborhood kids with a handful of notes from the magical messaging shops including a request to meet with Jalester Silvermane, a representative for Loral Silverhand and the Lords Alliance.   In addition, a flying snake delivered a meeting request from Davil Starsong.

Jalister Silvermane asked the group to track down Harko Swornhold, an evil adventure who was exiled three years ago, and put him to the sword.  Harko was rumoured to have returned and was inciting violence for the Xanathar’s guild.

Davil Starsong, the leader of the Zhentarim in Waterdeep, offered the party a chance to redeem themselves after their failure to end the attacks in the Dock Ward the previous night.   The party accepted a job to delivery some potions of mind reading from Zhent member Skeemo Weirdbottle to a noble across town.   Ziraj the Hunter was not pleased with the offer of continued work for the party.

Half way through their delivery route the group picked up on an ambush.  Seven Bugbears, later joined by a group of 3 kobolds, including a psionic attacked the party.   While Declan bore the brunt of the attack, Pancoril jumped to the front lines.  The party rogues scattered with Ilidan attacking from the shadows of a nearby alley, Jax taking to the rooftop to engage from above, and Kelderrin disabling a bugbear with magical laughter from the safety or a doorway.  Ghilanna went on the offense briefly before remembering that she carried a fragile set of potions and then went invisible.    The party defeated most of their attackers as the watch arrived.  A few of their enemy escaped into the sewers.  Gileas spun a story to the watch but inadvertently tipped them off to the cargo they were carrying before Ilidan interrupted.

The group then turned their attention back to Harko Swornhold.   With Jax taking the lead, they tracked Harko down to a ship in the dockward.  After a heated debate between burning the ship and all aboard, a full frontal assault, or a more subtle subterfuge, the party decided went a different route.  Jax and Gileas boarded the ship to scout it, posing as possible allies.  They sold Harko on the idea that the local officials were focusing in on him and they would tip him off when the investigation was closing in.  They mentioned that Ziraj the Hunter was Harko’s key opposition.  The party then devised a scheme to get Harko off the ship and ambush him.  Jax told Harko that a group was staging in a nearby inn and, enraged, Harko and a group of Kenku went off to take care of the threat.   On the street the party ambushed and killed Harko and the Kenku. 

Led by Declan riding a summoned bear, the group stormed the ship and took out the remaining crew, save one crewman.

What will the group find in the ship ?
Will they remember to dispose of the corpses in the street before the watch arrives ?
Tune in on 04/13/19 to find out.

XP: 1,150 each

Lord’s Alliance +1
Zhentarim +1
Xanathar’s Guild ( -1 )

+15 platinum pieces
Pistol + 18 bullets (stats to follow)