Party:  Declan the human barbarian, Ghilanna the elf Sorceress, Gileas the human bard, Ilidan Hunzrin the drow rogue, Jax the half elf rogue

In the aftermath of the battle at the docks, the party disposed of the bodies and searched their new ship.  A search of the ship revealed a manifest that showed travel up and down the sword coast along with cargo of weapons that were to be sold in Neverwinter.  There was concern from some of the party that whoever owned the ship would come back for it, but in the end they decided to take a wait and see approach before making a final decision on keeping the ship.   They hired on the sole remaining crewman and returned to TrollSkull for the night.

The next day, a local dwarf who knew about the history of TrollSkull referred the group to Palli.   Palli asked the group to help him dispatch a necromancer from the City of the Dead.  The necromancer had been stealing bones for several weeks.

While they were out they gave a general report to Jalister Silverman about Harko and the ship.   They also checked in with Porter to look for work.   He told them that he would pay them 3k gold to pick up a box the following night.   The group was suspicious about the extremely high pay for this job but committed to picking up the box the next day.

Later when they returned to check on the ship they found it fully staffed and Ziraj the Hunter made an appearance to thank the group for helping procure a ship for him.

The party met with the pallidan at the City of the Dead.   They spread out and setup observation in the areas that the Palli thought were the most likely targets.  As the fog rolled the Palliden was ambushed and magically held and the group encountered 3 Skeletons, 1 Minotaur Skeleton and a Necromancer.  The main group focused on the undead while Illidan followed the Necromancer and dispatched him.

The next morning the Paladin visited the Manor to assist with an exorcism of whatever has been giving Gileas bad dreams.   He informed that group there was a spirit that was trying to warn them the impending return of a hag.   The group decided no to exorcise the spirit, but Declan took possession of the stuffed bear.

The group decided on Laughing Demon Inn as the new name for Troll Skull Manor.  Gileas paid the guilds for registering and provisioning the launch of the Laughing Demon which was expected to be ready for business in a few days once the chimney was rebuilt.

While Gileas was out, Illiden and Jax arranged a meeting with the Black Viper.   She was convinced that they tried to poison her as Skeemo Wierdbottle claimed the potions they delivered a few days earlier were potions of mind reading and that the players must have switched them with poison.   She demanded that the players resolve the situation with Skeemo or face her wraith. 

1,550 xp each


100 gp (20 gp each) from the Palliden.