Party:  Gileas the human bard, Ilidan Hunzrin the drow rogue, and Kelderrin the gnome rogue.

Captain of the Watch Donald Johnson hired Gileas to perform at his wedding (during session 5’s bachelor party).  Tess Aderbrent, of house Aderbrent, who was saved by Kelderrin in session 4, invited Kilderrin to the wedding as a guest.

The bride, Alvida Margaster, is part of House Margaster, a noble Waterdeep family, and was formerly betrothed to Duth Crommor of House Crommor.  A bard of some skill, Duth secretly worked with the resources of his house and the cult of Asmodeus to create enchanted hymnals.   

After challenging, and losing, to Gileas in a Bard music battle, Duth invited all of the party goers to sing for the newlywed couple from the hymnals.  The singing triggered glyphs of sleep that put everyone to sleep.   Duth then summoned two imps to complete a ceremony to sacrifice the entire wedding party to Asmodeus.  

Ilidan excused himself during the Bard battle to ‘go to the bathroom’.  When he returned he found the Duth’s ceremony in progress.   Battle ensued, with Gileas, Kilderrin, and a number of watchmen awakened.   Dthe and the imps were defeated and Duth was taken into custody by the watch.

Even more infatuated with him, Tess Aderbrent gited a Ring of Sending to Kilderrin to continue their relationship.

1,550 xp each

Ring of Sending (Kelderrin)
Instrument of Scribing (Gileas)
Bell of Silent Alarm (Ilidan)