Party:  Declan the human barbarian, Ghilanna the elf Sorceress, Gileas the human bard, Ilidan Hunzrin the draw rogue

The party decided to move forward with a soft launch of the Laughing Demon Inn and hired four halflings to work the tavern.  While showing them around, they discovered a bound dwarf, Ott Steeltoes, in the basement, along with a note from JB Nevercott asking the to watch over the Xanathar’s guild officers for a few days until he can be picked up.

Porter hired the party to retrieve a box from a wagon inbound to Waterdeep.  They were not to open the box.    The group attacked the wagon before it reached Waterdeep and defeated its guards, but also accidentally killed the horse pulling the wagon.   Illidan left the group to retrieve a new horse from Waterdeep.   While he was away, a group of drow confronted the party and demanded delivery of the box.  Before releasing the box to the drow, Gileas demanded that they open it or he would destroy it.  The drow agreed and opened the box to reveal two drow children.  The children seemed relieved and the party let the drow take them.   The group proceeded to deliver the rest of the wagon to Porter, who was furious.   Declan felt betrayed by being used by a slaver and secretly added Porter to his enemies list.

A group of bugbears attacked the party at the Laughing Demon Inn demanding the release of Ott Steeltoes.  The bugbear were defeated, but caused a fair amount of damage to the main room.  A discussion followed about how best to dispose of the bodies without drawing attention to the official launch of the Laughing Demon.  The party reconsidered upgrading the manor’s defenses. 

1,037 xp each

500gp from Drow