Party:  Declan the human barbarian, Jax the half elf rogue, Gileas the human bard, Ilidan Hunzrin the draw rogue

The party kicked off the day at the Laughing Demon Inn with a visit from a corpse dealer.   The Iliden had put out feeler the night before and a corpse dealer got word and stopped by to take the Bug Bear (5gp ea) and Kenku (1gp ea) corpses off the players hands.  After opening for the day the group collected profit from their soft launch period.   The group was paid a visit by the Casselanters, a noble family, interested in learning more about the Demon head hanging over the fireplace.  They also offered the party a 10% finders fee if they could find the money that Neverember had embezzled from Waterdeep so that it could be returned to the city.   The Casselanters were very concerned with cultists in the city trying to disrupt their own position and businesses.   They paid 100gp upfront to get the group started.. 

As they debated on where to focus next, a Beholder Zombie entered the Inn.  A voice spoke through the zombie demanding the return of Ott Steeltoes.  A battle ensued with Declan bluffing the Beholder and then turning on it.   During the battle Ilidan was almost killed but was saved by a timely heal from Gileas.  The group decided to follow up with a cleric they had spoken to previously about putting some glyphs of warding up, but they couldn’t decide on the best type or trigger.   

While inside, an explosion in the alley shook the building.   The party rushed out to find bodies at the center of a blast zone, and a fire elemental wreaking havoc in the alley.   The group dispatched the elemental and then set about interviewing witnesses.   They were able to put together a picture of the crime scene:  A gnome was being pursued by Zhent agents when a construct intervened killing the gnome and most of the Zhents.   One Zhent seemed to have escaped and Jax followed that lead a few blocks to the Gralhund Villa.   Meanwhile Gileas found a discarded necklace of fireballs and recalled seeing a construct around TrollSkull alley a few times over the last few weeks.   The group also found a letter from Dalakor to Neverember on the body of the Gnome.   The letter indicated that he was trying to bring the Stone of Golorr to the adventurers who had save Renair Neverember so that they could cut a deal and help him get out of town.

The party investigated a lead on local constructs at the Temple of Gond.   The priestess there introduced the group to Nim the Nimblewright.  She explained that Nim had not left the temple all day, but wanted to help find the construct in question to rule out the chance that the culprit was one of theirs.   She would not provide a list of customers, but did provide a Numblewright detector that the group could use to track down the construct.  She also offered 300gp to destroy the construct if it turned out to be one that came from the temple.

The group used the detector near the Gralhund Villa where Jax had tracked the Zhent agent and came up with a hit.   They scaled the walls and entered through a 2nd story balcony.  They encountered Yalah Gralhund and Hrabbazz, her half orc bodyguard.   She explained that the Zhentarim had stormed the compound and she was concerned for her husband, who was elsewhere on the 2nd floor.   The party set off and found three Zhents threating Lord Gralhund.  They dispatched the Zhents (including Urstul Floxin) and interrogated Lord Gralhund, who pretty quickly gives up his wife as the person who had orchestrated the day’s events:

  • “The Stone of Golorr is some kind of ancient creature transformed into an artifact. It knows the location of a hidden vault in Waterdeep containing half a million dragons.”
  • “House Gralhund has been bankrolling Black Network operations in Waterdeep, including the plot to kidnap Renaer Neverember and the plot to steal the Stone of Golorr from his father’s gnome spy, Dalakhar.”
  • “My wife was frustrated with the Zhents and their inability to secure the artifact. She gave a necklace of fireballs to her mechanical servant and sent it out to help retrieve the stone. It was careless and caught the Zhents in the fireball by mistake.”

When the party went back to the room they had left Yalah in, she was gone.  They could see her fleeing with the bodyguard and children across the grounds.

Necklace of Fireballs (2 charges)
100gp from the Casselanters

1,200 xp each