Party:  Declan the human barbarian, Jax the half elf rogue, Gileas the human bard, Ilidan Hunzrin the draw rogue

 The party attempted to follow the Gralhunds through the villa courtyard but retreated when they encountered 2 shadow demons.  They were able to escape the villa before the watch arrived, but were held for questioning.  Barnabus Bastwind and Saeth Cromley let them know that they were suspects in the massacre that happened at the villa.   The Gralhunds were gone, but the party identified a teleportation circle in the coach house that they may have escaped through.

When they returned to the Laughing Demon, they found Willifort Crowelle waiting for them outside.  Each party member was able to take their choice of silvered weapons. 

Inside the Laughing Demon they found JB Nevercott with Gilleas’ pet goat.  He thanked them for their help in watching the dwarf in the basement and rewarded them with 500gp.

The group met with Istrid Horn, who was concerned with the Zhents being arrested as a result of their involvement with the fireball in Trollskull Alley.   They agreed to let her stay at the Laughing Demon to hide and she pays them 10pp upfront with the promise of 40pp after a 10 day.

The party returned to the Gralhund Villa the following day to investigate.  They found an additional teleportation circle inside the villa and a locked tome in the library.  The group then distracted the dim watchman outside and stole the horses (and gold) from the coach house.

4 draft horses
1 black riding horse outfitted with set of horseshoes of speed
locked tome
1000gp from saddlebags in the coach house (4 gold bars)
500gp from the Nevercott for watching the dwarf in the basement
10pp from Istrid Horn (promises 40pp more later)

900 xp each (investigation + escape + thievery)