Party:  Declan the human barbarian, Jax the half elf rogue, Gileas the human bard, Ilidan Hunzrin the drow rogue, Kelderrin the gnome rogue

After the paying Grinda Garloth for information leading to the Stone of Golorr, the party returned to the Laughing Demon Inn for some heals from Istrid Horn. Kelderrin joined the group at the Inn after being away with his Noble friend for the past several days.   The group, along with Grinda, proceeded to Grinda’s family crypt at the City of the Dead.   Before entering Grinda let the group know that her familiar reported that others were there at the crypt as well.

Gileas sent two owls to scout the graveyard and discovered a group in the north as well as a group in the crypt.   The party proceeded under cover of fog and darkness to the group in the North and, after confirming visually that they were Zhents, Gileas charmed one of them into attacking his peers.   

From there, the group headed back to the crypt in the center of the area where Jax and Declan were engaged by a Shadow Demon.   After defeating the Shadow Demon, Grinda rushed in from the south warning of incoming Xanathars (confimed by the scouting owls), and the Charm on the Zhents to the North wore off.  Two more Shadow demons emerged from the crypt to engage Declan, Jax, and Gileas.

Zhents from the north.
Cultists in the crypt.
Xanathar bugbears from the south.

 With everyone converging on the crypt, Gileas used the last of his Fireballs (from the Necklace of Fireballs) on the bugbears coming in from the South.  Declan locked himself in the crypt, the rogues retreated, and the Shadow Demons attacked the Zhents and the remaining Bugbears.  In the end, the Zhents were the last group standing and Jax used the group’s previous affiliation with them to convince them to stand down.  They revealed that they were being organized by Ziraj the Hunter.

A final search of the crypt and discussion with Grinda’s familiar revealed that the Gralhund’s had taken the stone back from the crypt.  Grinda agreed to teleport the party into the 2 remaining Gralhund safe houses that she had built teleportation circles for: a windmill in the countryside and a cellar complex in the city.  She could also provide them the general location of both if they wanted to scout a different way in to either.

After returning to the Laughing Demon, the group decided to open for business and schedule an opening night event with Anoni Jerphi, the fighter they befriended in session 5.

XP: 2800 ea