Party:  Declan the human barbarian (6), Jax the half elf rogue (5), Gileas the human bard (6), Ilidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (6), Kelderrin the gnome rogue (5), Rollan the human pallidan (4), Valleta the Dragonborn Cleric (NPC)

After recovering overnight at the Laughing Demon Inn, the party set out for extra help in their planned assault of the Temple of Asmodeus.   They approached the rogues of Mistshore, who they worked with to stop the Xanathar’s Guild assault on Grinda Garloth several days earlier, but were unhappy with the price that the rogues proposed.   Kelderrin then reached out to his ‘friend’ Tess Aderbrent who put him in touch with Valetta at the House of Inspired Hands (a Temple of Gond) in the Sea Ward.  The group worked with Valetta before, destroying the corrupted Nimblewright under control of the Gralhunds.    Valetta was disgusted by the Devil cults that were steadily growing in popularity amongst the Nobles of Waterdeep, and agreed to help the party disrupt the Temple of Asmodeus.   She was a bit confused as to why the group had encountered both devils and demons in their efforts as these groups were at war with each other.

The party decided to avoid the entrance they had taken previously and had Grinda Garloth teleport them directly into the circle she had helped create in the temple.   It brought them to the same general area they were in the night before and the quickly dispatched 4 cultists.   They stormed the main door and found several cultists managing a summoning circle.  Inside the summoning circle was a Devourer.

Rollan charged forward and captured half of the cultist group in an entanglement grenade.   A handful of bearded devils and imps engaged the party.  Jax made use of his new Mace of Disruption against the devils.   Declan dashed toward the duo supervising the cultists but was quickly trapped in a hold spell and then charged into leaving the battlefield.  Illidan, Kelderrin, and Gileas used hit and run tactics while Rollan and Jax continued to wear down the fiends.  Illidan attempted to intervene in Declan’s charmed exit, but ultimately succeeded only in lifting some healing potions.  After defeatings the devils and weathering the magical barrage from the cult leaders, the party focused their efforts on the duo, breaking the charm on Declan.   Cultists dwindling, the tide shifted towards the party, but Valleta issued a dire warning.   The circle was going to break if they dropped any more cultists…and if the circle broke, the Devourerer would be free in Waterdeep !  Jax and Illidan agreed with Valleta’s assessment and began to withdraw, but Declan was enraged at having been controlled by these cultists.  Declan tripped Illidan as he attempted to escape and then made an all out assault on the priestess.  Gileas put the final nail in the priestess in the form of a bullet to the face from the pistol he had taken from a drow rogue.

Now free, the Devourer stepped outside of the circle and attacked the remaining cultists, targeting the body of the priestess for an evil ritual.

Blood lust sated, Declan followed the rest of the party out of the temple through the sewers and back to the Laughing Demon Inn.

XP: 2100 each

Loot: Left behind for the Devourer