Explored areas:

Central Garden

Luminescent fungus, shedding violet light, clings to the walls and ceiling of this wide cavern. The air is damp, chilly, and redolent with the odors of loam and decay. A layer of earth, mixed with rotting vegetation and the remains of cave animals, covers the floor. Several varieties of mushrooms and fungi grow on the detritus, as well as a few saplings.

Balsag Adobe

The floor of this rough cavern is stained and smells of blood and animal musk. Light from glowing fungus reveals the eastern niche, which holds a pallet of matted furs, a wide wooden board on which a variety of weapons are affixed, and a great cloak of patchy black fur hung on a slender pole. To the edge of the niche are two large nests made of hair, dry fungus, and refuse.

Treasure:Two spears, six javelins, one longsword, one greatsword are affixed to the weapon rack. A box that contains 241 sp and 54 gp.


Two rows of dragon-carved marble columns march the length of the hall, most completely covered in luminescent fungus. The cobbled floor is cracked and stained, and on it sit many small wooden tables. The contents on the tables include mortars and pestles, small tools, bowls filled with crushed leaves, chopped fungus stalks, and other plant specimens. The many doors leading off this hall are all partly open.

Treasure. One pile of herbs and supplies in the main chamber contains the ingredients of a healer’s kit. An assortment of tools and herbs can be salvaged to make up a herbalism kit and a set of alchemist’s kit and a Fancy Crystal Vial.

XP: 124