Party:  Declan the human barbarian (6), Gileas the human bard (6), Ilidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (6), Rollan the human pallidan (5), Jax the half elf rogue (6)

After a long rest, the party set out to the windmill toward sunset.  Jax caught up with the group after following a Zhentarim scout to the field ward from Waterdeep.  The Zhent’s also appeared to be on the trail of the Gralhunds.

Jax and Ilidan snuck up to a garden near the windmill while Declan, Rolann, and Gileas stuck to the river to come in on the other side of the windmill.  Two Gralhunds were surprised and quickly dispatched, but the party caught the attention of a water elemental from a nearby pond.  After defeating the water elemental, the group searched the windmill and found stairs leading into a large landing below.

A stealthy investigation of two adjacent rooms discovered that there were 3 Gralhunds in a sleeping quarters and a larger group in a dining area.   Gileas turned one of the 3 Gralhunds against his comrades using magic.  By the time the party entered the Gralhunds in the sleeping quarters surrendered and Declan granted them mercy by letting them flee.  The group then devised a plan to use tangler grenades and choke points to try to defeat the larger group in the dining hall.  Some miscommunication led to Rolann staying at the first choke point and being defeated by the larger group, while a Cambion, and later Gralhund’s personal guard engaged the group in the sleeping quarters.  After defeating the two enemies, the group, along with a revived Rolan healed up and charged into the now fortified dining hall.  The party defeated the remaining Cambion, mage, and demon, and Lady Gralhund went invisible.  She agreed to surrender the stone if the party promised her safety.  Rolann and Declan both agreed and she gave Rolann the Stone of Golorr.  With the stone in hand, the party returned back to the Laughing Demon Inn.


Magic Ring