Party:  Declan the human barbarian (6),  Rolann the human pallidan (5), Kelderrin the gnome rogue (5), and Jax the half elf rogue (6)

Declan, Kelderrin, and Rolann set sail with the newly recaptured ship (via Ziraj the hunter) to Ice Wind Dale, north of Luskin, to recruit some of Declan’s tribemen to man the ship.  Kelderrin arranged a profitable trade route with Tess Adarbrent that would keep the ship running cargo up and down the sword coast between Calamport, Baldur’s Gate, and Luskin.  The trip took a ten day.  Illidan and Jax set about their own business in Waterdeep, while Gileas returned to his teaching duties at the New Olamn Bard College.

Upon their return, Jax joined Declan, Kelderrin, and Rolann in tracking down more information on their missing employee (Dasher) and the were rats who had infiltrated their inn.   Following a lead, the group made contact with some halflings at the Pickled Fisherman in the dock ward.  They agreed to meet the halflings at midnight for more information.  Declan instigated a brawl with some dwarven dock workers that featured Declan using one dwarf to knock out another dwarf, and showboating and slight of hand by Kelderrin.

The midnight meeting turned into an ambush, which the party had anticipated.  They defeated their attackers, who turned out to be were rat members of the Shard Shunners.  Alton Tosscobble, the leader of the assailants, offered to help the companions if they would take out Rottina Reedfellow, the current head of the Shard Shunners.   The group refused and killed all but one were rat.  They convinced the survivor that cooperation was better than death.

The surviving Shard Shunner guided the group into ‘the rat’s nest’, the Shard Shunner headquarters in the sewers beneath the dock ward.  The group made if to Rottina in the main clubhouse area, with Declan picking up a case of the Sewer Plague during an extended swim through pipes.  After a tense negotiation, the group found common ground with Rottina and she agreed to let the bid against anyone who hired her for a job that went against the party’s interests.   In addition Dasher was happy to see the group, but told them that he was fine with the Shard Shunners since he had been infected with lycanthropy.   Finally, and with a demand of 300 gp, Rottina provided Rolann information about a lyconthrope raid on a temple outside of Waterdeep that Rolann had interest in:    ‘We were hired by Artor Morlin to sack the temple.   We were primarily support as some of our northern cousins, a band of wolves primarily, lead the raid.’

During the battle with the ambushers, Rolann was infected with Lycanthropy but was healed by Istrid Horn back at the Inn.   Declan also had his sewer plague cured by taking a potion provided by Rottina.


Pipes of the Sewers