Party:  Declan the human barbarian (7),  lIidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (7),  Gileas the human bard (7), Rolann the human pallidan (6), Kelderrin the gnome rogue (6), and Jax the half elf rogue (6)

After taking care of personal business, Ilidan and Gileas rejoined the party at the Laughing Demon Inn.  The companions, now focused on finding Neverember’s treasure, pressured Rolann to give up the stone.  Rolann refused, but did agree to commune with the stone who revealed that they would need 3 keys to enter the vault:

  • Beholder Eye Stalk
  • Performance of ‘Your Beardy Face’
  • Severed Drow hand

The companions believed that they could use one of several beholder eye stalks that they collected during their adventures (including the zombie beholder in their basement), and Gileas and Declan offered to play the classic dwarves love song duet “Your Beary Face” as they are both proficient in bagpipes.    Illiden reached out to JB Nevercott to see if he had any leads on Drowse hands.  Nevercott shared a bounty for Nar’l Xibrindas, a drowse wizard working for the Xanathar’s guild.   With Nevercott’s input, the group devised a plan to get to the drow in the Xanathar’s undercut headquarters during one of the monthly gladiatorial events that the Xanathar ran.

The party took a secret passage through the sewers to the Xanathar’s base and made their way to the sub level where they believed Xibrindas was.  Using a disguise kit, Kilderrin posed as an underaged boy that the group was delivering to Xibrindas.  They were able to bluff their way through an initial set of guards, but were confronted by Noska Ur’gray, a Xanathar leader.   The group continued on while Ur’gray went for more information, but were attacked on site by 2 gazers in the kitchen.  The party dispatched the gazers and some of the kobold cooks, but a few kobolds got away.   After a cursory effort to hide the bodies (kobold in the oven) they moved on quickly onward.  Kilderrin setup watch in a secondary kitchen with a kidnapped halfling while the rest of the party continued on.  After finding a bag of holding in the wizard’s office, the group found Xibrindas and his Grell bodyguard in a Beholder crypt.  Reinforcements arrived during the intense battle as Xibrindas called forth a shadow demon and Ur’gray attacked the party from behind.  The group emerged victorious and, with several drow body parts in hand, found a teleporter that sent them back near the entrance to the hideout where they made their way to the surface.

Back at the Laughing Demon Inn, Jezrynne Hornraven confronted Ilidan about her husband.  She threatened to go to the watch.  Ilidan admitted to the group that he had made some arrangements with Hornraven to convince Hornraven’s husband to give her a divorce and take care of her financially in exchange for her cooperation with one of Ilidan’s side projects.  After discussing with the group, he assured them he would take care of it.


Bag of Holding