Party:  Declan the human barbarian (7),  lIidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (7),  Gileas the human bard (7), Rolann the human pallidan (6), Boarstack the duergar fighter (5)

Back at the Laughing Demon Inn, with the keys to the vault in hand, Declan noticed a Duergar listening intently to their discussions in the common area.   The dark dwarf introduced himself as Boarstack Reignkeeper.

Boarstack explained that he was impressed with the party’s recent assault on the Xanathar’s Guild and asked if they would be willing to team up for a common cause.   He lost his family to slavers and came to Waterdeep to look for help in retrieving them.   He offered information to prove his worth.  First, he had information about Gaul that would help Declan.  Second, he had information about a planned hit on Meloon Wardragon, a hero of Waterdeep.  The party accepted the information and his request for help and set out to find and warn Wardragon.

The group found Wardragon at the Yawning Portal.  He did not seem concerned with the threats and asked the group to come with him to get rid of a Hezrou demon working out of the sewers in the Castle Ward.  After defeating the demon, the party was shocked when Wardragon turned on them.  During the battle, an intellect devourer jumped out of Wardragon’s head and escaped.  The party to Wardragon’s corpse and his axe Azuredge to Savra Belabrant at the Order of the Gauntlet, and then to the Black Staff, Vajra Safahr.  The Black Staff rewarded the group with 500gp each and offered Boarstack a +1 pike in thanks for returning Wardragon as she planned to return Wardragon to life.

After the excitement, Ilidan revealed to the group that the woman, Jezerynn Hornraven, who had caused a ruckus at the Inn was someone he had an arrangement with.  She was threatening to go to the watch if he didn’t resolve a situation with her husband.  She was expecting her husband to grant her a divorce and take care of her financially but he refused.   Ilidan asked the party to surveil the husband and catch him carousing while he and Boarstack went to speak to Jezerynn to convince her to be more accommodating.    The group that followed the husband, Allistair Hornraven, did not observe him doing anything too out of line so they did not engage with him.  When Ilidan and Boarstack returned to the Inn the told the group that the situation was resolved. 

The following day the party was surprised by the cover story in the Waterdeep Wazoo:


500gp each
+1 Pike