Party:  Declan the human barbarian (7),  lIidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (7),  Gileas the human bard (7), Rolann the human pallidan (7), Boarstack the duergar fighter (5), Jax the half elf rogue (7), Kelderrin the gnome rogue (6)

Previously in Waterdeep…

Declan, Ilidan, Gileas, and Gilana, later joined by Kilderrin and Pancoril, rescued Floon, a friend of Volo Gaddarm, who rewarded them with a deed to Troll Skull Manor.  The party, later joined by Jax and Rolann, remodeled and opened the manor as the Laughing Demon Inn.   The group soon found themselves at odds with multiple powerful factions in Waterdeep including the Xanathar’s Guild, the Zhentarim, the Lord’s Alliance, Asmodeaus Cultists, unscrupulous Lords, Nobles, and as assortment of cut throats and hardcases.  Everyone was racing to find a vast sum of gold embezzled from Waterdeep by the previous Lord, Dagult Neverember.

The party out maneuvered, out witted, and overpowered all of the factions arrayed against them, but began to fracture internally as individual group members began striking out on for their own gain.   They held it together long enough to track down the Stone of Gollar, which led them to 3 vault keys, and the vault itself.  With the help of a potential new ally, Boarstack, the group infiltrated the vault, overcame magical dwarven puzzles, destroyed black pudding, and confronted the gold dragon guarding the treasure horde.   While negotiating with the party, Ilidan was able to steal the dragon’s staff and command it to leave.   They party, once again turning against itself in conflict, split up.  Half of the group was confronted by members of the Xanathar’s guild on the way out, but were assisted by Lord Silverhand and the city watch.  Silverhand proceeded to the vault and took possession of the gold and the staff and promised the group a banquet to honor them.

With the vault cleared, the party is set to leave for Luskin and the north in search of Declan’s lost partner and the Orc who took her.  Can the group rebuild lost trust and work together or will they be destroyed by the bleak Northern Frontier ?

XP: 3000