Party:  Declan the human barbarian (8),  lIidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (7),  Rolann the human pallidan (7), Jax the half elf rogue (7), Kelderrin the gnome rogue (7)

Feeling the heat from multiple enemies and coming to the realization that the person that they handed the Vault money over to wasnt Lord Silverhand, the group decides to leave Waterdeep to let things cool down.  On the seas south of Luskan, they are attacked by pirates flying the flag of Ship Rethnor.  The pirates were defeated but a Babau demon emerged from the Rethnor captain when Declan killed him.

Once the group docks in Luskan they make their way to Tess Aderbrant’s new merchant trading office, the Green Water Trading Lodge, and find that it is under attack.  The attackers are quickly dispatched and discovered to be members of the city watch along with an operative of the Dead Rats, a were rat street gang.  Ginny, who was rescued during the altercation, explains that Aust Brightwood, Kilderan’s contact, is away in the North and the local street thugs, in conjunction with some corrupt watch guard, have been shaking them down.   She is afraid of reprisals from the watch or the Dead Rats if the party is too forceful with them.

At the Drowned Rat Tavern, the party confronts Tamar Bulger.  She offers to lay off the merchant house if the group can get rid of Watch Captain Walther Grimbley.  Grimbley moved in on Dead Rats territory by taking over some properties in the slums that the Dead Rats used to run.  Grimbley is rumored to be using the buildings as part of a slavery ring.   Declan becomes very interested in hearing about Grimbley’s business and the group tracks him down at a Brothel in the slums southwest of Captain’s Close.  They find Grimbley being interrogated by a pair of Drow.   Another Babau demon emerges when Declan kills one of the Drow, causing the party to fear that Luskan has been infiltrated by cultists and demons.  After defeating the Drow and demon, Declan interrogates Grimbley and he admits to passing slaves from Gaul, the orc that Declan has been tracking, to Drow from House Melarn.  Declan kills Grimbley in a fit of rage.

Tamara Bulger is happy when the party returns to her with Bulger’s body and offers to setup a sit down with High Captain Hartouchen.

2500 ea

+1 Short Sword (Jax)
+1 Short Sword (Ilidan)
+1 Dagger (Kelderin)

5 gems x 100xp each