Party:  Declan the human barbarian (8),  lIidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (8),  Gileas the human bard (8), Rolann the human pallidan (7), Jax the half elf rogue (7), Kelderrin the gnome rogue (7)

Thoroughly drenched from the grip of the aqua elemental, the group agrees to take the time to dry out and recover. With the unseen morning sun rising, Ilidan and Keldarrin lead the way, discovering three drow trying to save a fourth from a gelatinous death. The adventurers jumped into action, defeating the cube with ease, hoping that the enemy of my enemy might become our friends. This theory was put to the test when one of the scouts slipped on a glistening glob and fell on Illidan’s blade. Bolts flew, barbarians napped, and elves fell leaving only one alive, laughing hysterically as he was taken their prisoner.

Questioning the lone survivor was arduous but eventually a map was produced of the lower level but not much more. No threats came up from the ladder leading down so with the prisoner thrown over Declan’s shoulder the party went down to explore House Mil’arn trading outpost. The drow scout spoke of their leader Relenor, a high priestess of Lloth. Illidan’s face paled a shade of blue and Jax noted this was not something to take lightly. Upon their descent, those stealthier spied a foursome of drow guarding the first intersection. A split, unseen but felt all the same came between the dungeon delvers – should brain or brawn lead the way? Could the party bluff their way through to the drow cleric?  With no clear answer, battle became the beginning of their next actions.

Jax led the team to a ranged tactic, hoping to pull the Underdark warriors out of their stony nest; Delcan scrolled across as a lure while others sniped. Uncharacteristically, Rolann took a posture of power, pounding defiantly his breastplate and charging into battle. His antics were cut short with elven steel, the paladin fell before landing a blow. He laid there bleeding out while his comrades continued the fight, defeating the deft warriors and narrowly avoiding one from escape.

Again indecision led the way – Rolann muttered about being imbalanced, the scales leaning light…or white…whether he was praying, delirious or in conversation with the sentient stone was anyone’s guess. The team debated the merits of following steel or smarts….. and needing a place to heal and recoup they moved into the mortarium – ignoring the signs of warning and death behind the door. Declan’s clan as reinforcements were discussed as well as other plans – forward or back. Finally the team decided to go back to the high captain – armed with information, a map and a live dark elf encyclopedia, with plans to rearm, recruit and return to the dark elven camp – whether it was to challenge or converse with Relenor, the high priestess, was uncertain.


 2,600 ea

update by James