Party:  Declan the human barbarian (8),  lIidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (8),  Gileas the human bard (8), Rolann the human pallidan (7), Kelderrin the gnome rogue (7),  Boarstack the duergar fighter (5)

After a judicious retreat and regrouping, the party split its members into two; Kelderrin, Declan, Boarstack and Rolann would guard their dark elf prisoner, while Gileas, Jax and Ilidan would make their case to the High Captain for supplies and support. While loath to get directly involved with the adventurers’ assignment, he did provide arms and armor as well as access to a cleric. The trio who went ahead were satisfied, and reunited with those sequestered to Kelderrin’s safety zone in the ruins above the drow outpost.

With frequently out of mind prisoner in tow, the band decided to follow their own footsteps back into the dark – the logic being they could face the known dangers better than the unknown ones. The rogues led the way, westward bound and heedful of danger. Locks and traps were expertly avoided as they moved past the barracks undisturbed coming across a new guard. A duo of dark elves paced a hall adorned in doorways, and were dispatched by grit and goat, spells and sword. In response, the hallway answered their death cries with a shattered down – spewing forth piecemeal creatures that were neither alive or dead. The golems attacked mindlessly and not quite yet satisfied, the hall attacked the arse of the party with more drow reinforcement.

The party, almost not recognizable from the indecision of their first visit worked in wordless harmony. Magic and mail, sword and spell, brawn and brains – like water the party flowed in response to the threats as they arose. As the battle came to an end, they took account for their losses and the one that stood out the most was their absent prisoner – in reality a prisoner no more. With the choice to forge ahead or look behind, the party peered forward and luckily detected a glyph protecting the world to the west. They logically searched for an alternate path, and in doing so came across their quarry – the drow priestess.

“What word from the gnome?” The words were pilfered from the lips of the dark elf cleric by the rogues like coins from a wayward merchant’s purse as they spied in her and her cohorts. Quickly they collected their thoughts, realizing as they did so the sharp mind and stout body of the dedicated duergar had disappeared; trusting Boarstack not to be far off, tactics led their way to a swift attack & melee ensued tiered by their inherent talents.  Jax and the gnome peppered the room with arrows and bolts; Declan bravely became a barrier of brawny battle blocking the only escape; in surprise the austere, armored fighters – Boarstack and Rolann, appeared with such stealth it was enough make Ilidan jealous; and Gileas bolstered their numbers once again with his furry sack of surprises. Disgruntled growls of a Grizzy shook the walls until the bear was mounted by the gnome, riding him bareback into battle. Not to be outdone, Ilidan swung on the bedpost and stood on the bed – poor manners indeed not taking off his shoes beforehand but his bloodletting made up for it. Cutting words and speeches of fury flew around them until the last that stood were the fellowship made whole in Waterdeep.

Resupplied with weapons and mutions, they surveyed their surroundings and found a new option – a secret door assumed to give a safe passage to the final westward destination, the dark giving way to their torchlight….


update by James