The deal struck with the blacksmith rang like an anvil struck by hammer and as night approached the Heroes of Oakhurst made their preparations to protect their infected friend from the coming night. Eiric made busy with magical assembly of alloyed ally, containing a bit of essence of each of them; Hadrioul, Krill and Maulduk trussed up Cor like a pig on Life Day while Honu and Seisha individually plotted the prepubescent werewolf’s demise should one whisker appear. Dusk turn to dark, and the evening hours were uneventful. Exploration of the second floor revealed unpassable locks, and the woods nearby showed nothing.

Watch was set and began; exhausted from their march, their preparations and the battle from the night before, they wearily settled in serenaded by wolf calls that were hard to ignore. All was well… till it was not. As the other slept, Cor betrayed their best intentions, overpowering the will of their newest member and forcing his escape. Krill, ever alert, and the stalwart Maulduk responded first and the party followed suit. They followed Cor into the night until he was Cor no more, and the werewolf he had become turned with wolfen allies at his heels to attack.

Battle began with no possibility of victory, no matter who won. Flamberge and fire, bolts and blasts, tooth and claw – the grass was painted red with the blood spilt – more canine than any other. When it was over, emotions varied as did their stance – Seisha loomed over Hadrioul, infected by his own admission while Maulduk knelt beside his former comrade in mourning.

The town’s guard arrived, two bells and ten blades too late – typical for any local militia. The barbarian demanded the right to bury the polesman, and once the deed was done the wounded party made its way to Corky for cleansing of disease and sorrow. Seisha gave a short word of friendship to the tinkering half-elf and as the six circled as one again, it was apparent the source of the lycanthropy was still out there and needed to be dealt with…. 
