Party:  Declan the human barbarian (8),  lIidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (8),  Gileas the human bard (8), Rolann the human pallidan (7), Kelderrin the gnome rogue (7),  Boarstack the duergar fighter (5)

The dark of the secret passage gave way to their torchlight and led by Jax and Ilidan, they carefully stepped forward, rounding the bend to another door. With stealth on their side, the paired rogues spied  a gory sight in the room beyond – a gnomish mage summoning an unholy hell with demons by his side as bodyguards. The group formulated a plan, one of arrow & bolt, sword & shield… which fell to the wayside as bloodlust filled them. Delcan’s barbaric rage was more than any one demon could handle and so became the main target. The adventurers newly adopted tactics made quick work of the summoned beasts and stopped the ritual, but the short wizard slipped through their fingers.

With the iron door now open, Kelderrin and Gileas led the way, straight into a company of drow, A very determined and battle-ready dark elf approached… and asked how the summoning was going. Our trickster realized the mistaken identity – the drow thought him the mage! Gileas fell into The Creature mode… grunting and shuffling as Keldarrin’s quick tongue saved the day, or at least the moment.

The odd couple joined their comrades, and the beast riding gnome rode again bare-bear with a new bodyguard in the form of Ilidan. With continued success of the silver-tongued Kelderrin, he sent half of the remaining drow to their doom – almost ripping their eyes out by the metal bikini worn by the bard. In further shock Declan tries bluffs past and then lets the dark skinned warriors pass with  and with a much less guarded hall they sprang into action and claimed a quick victory in the hall where their fates were uncertain only an hour ago. Bear snout in the air, the summoned beast clawed at the middle door. This was it.  The other follow suit in their disregard of the drow but the grey dwarf would have none of it. The Warhammer rang true crushing delicate elven bone, spells flew from the scantily clad Gileas, and the first part of the hall battle was done with the other drow in the hall falling behind.

The bear’s snout confirmed what they all suspected – the mage was on the other side of the door. Guarded by specters, zombies and skeletons – the gnome made it clear he wasn’t going to the scales of Kelemvor without a fight. Jax called to Rolann to use his holy persuasion only to hear for the tenth time “I’m not that kind of paladin!’  The party rushed in and in a surprising move a blistering cold wind erupts from the magic user both Jax and Declan. Rolann decapitates the minotaur skeleton and Boarstack rushes in to save the fallen, literally diving though a wall of fire… and the grey dwarf increased the number to three needing saving. Rolann, Gileas and Ilidan held the hallway while Kelderrin negotiated with the opposing gnome a cease fire, literally. With the party recouped but depleted, all agreed to the treaty and slowly made their way out another discovered exit.

Bringing the story of victory and the head of the priestess as proof, the High Captain acknowledged the task done. Their ship was free to make port as the adventurers pondered their next steps…once more beneath the ruins or to the North in search of a slaver.

update by James