The physical and emotional exhaustion of finding Cor only to lose him to lycanthropy took its toll. All six of adventurers slept like tortles hunkered down in their shells, especially Honu who was, in fact, a tortle. The morning came with Pelor’s blessings and a simple meal provided by Corky and her clergy, which Hadrioul almost missed altogether in his extended slumber; breakfast was interrupted for Eiric and Krill as a sour smithy came looking for reparations. The tinkerer of the group apologized and showed his skill with a broom to be equal to his spellcasting while the group reported the business of werewolves to the mayor.

Upon exiting the office, a stranger to the heroes strode into town – adorned in furs but his profession remained unknown; Seisha intrigued and shadowed by Maulduk considered an introduction but the lingering fog reminded them both of their mission. Stopping at the blacksmith along the way, the party renewed their search for the source only to come across another wayward soul – Joshua the farmer whose family was slain. An all too familiar plea came forth – ‘…take me back to Oakhurst.’ Krill’s suspicions were confirmed by the cleric’s conjuring – this man was infected as well. The werewolf bolted to no avail – his death came as quickly as his request for passage. Honu’s ponderings of the entire town hung in the air intertwined with the mist as they pushed forward to the ravine.

Familiar pathways and ropeways laid in front of them – for all but Eiric. His proclamation that traps and locks were no match for him were comically met with backpedaling into the trap at the entrance and like dominos most fell in behind him, much to Krill’s humor. With the ranger in the lead, they retraced their steps fog all about – unnatural that it would be present indoors. The warlock found her new corpse companion in a kobold aptly named Gary as they moved along. With no warning Krill was beset upon by another werewolf, this one not interested in the deceptions of the ones prior. The party sprang, the werewolf bit and Gary shuffled along into a second wolfen biped appeared savaging tearing at Seisha. Furious rage and anger surged through the barbarian, leading the assault on the second assailant – in the end Krill and Seisha both bitten and infected. The clerical magic in the scrolls came to the rescue and as the ranger looked to determine their next direction, Hadrioul challenged Seisha’s former thinking that the infected are dead and therefore disposable…. 

XP: 537 | 117 – Honu