Party:  Declan the human barbarian (9),  lIidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (9),  Gileas the human bard (9), Rolann the human pallidan (8), Kelderrin the gnome rogue (8),  Jax the half elf rogue (8),  Boarstack the duergar fighter (6)

With the drow slave trade disrupted and releasing the levies on their ship, the adventurers prepared to head North, in search of Gall. The crew were released of their ship duties by their tribesman – it seemed the closer North the group got the more impatient Declan became. Finding his woman was the only thing on the barbarian’s mind. Kelderrin’s connections at the Post kept the ship in trading waters and off they headed to Ten Town’s and beyond.

Snow crunched under the stomping of hoofs and fur-lined boots as they made their way. Jax sensed someone at their heels, but nothing came from his search. With sunset the air grew colder, and wisely they set up camp and a watch to keep vigil. Early in they were beset upon by vicious yetis set upon dragging them into the night, no doubt to fill their bellies with man, elf, dwarf and gnome. Slowly the group arose from the cries of battle. Boarstack and Declan held the front lines while Jax, Ilidan and Kelderrin engaged at a distance. Gileas and Rolann found a way to ‘extend their slumber’ with deadly strikes from the white-furred foes; eventually freed and joining in the fight, the six finished off the yetis and with their pelts collected, went back to their business of tracking the orc.

The team broke their trek at Bryn Shander briefly but the front-line fighters were anxious to get on the road again. Kelvin’s Cairn acted as a beacon for their path… that is until suspicious smoke broke the horizon. It was far off but it was unmistakable – battle at Termalaine. Their path diverged and upon arriving at the town all that was left was the aftermath. A raiding frost giant and his lackeys demanded tribute, emphasizing their point with destruction and kidnapping. Agreeing with a town spokesman to take the task of rescue, off they went. Finding the giant’s lair was easy enough, entry to the cave was not so much as they faced off with Ettins, Orcs and an unknown assailant flying through their ranks. Cohesion between the heroes came forth again as their battle tactics proved to be too much for the outdoor guard, and with the cave entrance wreathed in flames by paladin and trickster, the sextet planned their next move.

update by James


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