Weary from the lycanthrope battle, the determined adventurers pushed onwards to find the source of the mist. Door by door they searched, taking turns at lead and follow, traps and locks, questions without an answer to match. Honu’s fast pace was as queer as the thin gauze slightly separating Seisha from her sharp senses. They soon came upon the descent that was so challenging before but with care and a bit of luck, the only one to go splat was Gary. Krill the hunter soon picked up the road that was not traveled by the group – a winding, narrow tunnel into the dark. Ranger and warlock led the way, the tunnel thinning to the point where Honu’s shell could not pass. The tortle took guard of their rear; at the front Krill and Seisha roped out a steep incline. Literally at the end of their rope, the duo was greeted by drow, welcoming them to the Underdark.

The battle started, and ended, two by two – as valiant as the others tried to come together to support, the way was too treacherous. With the dark elves dispatched the team took measure; was the fog the same? Could it be coming from the Underdark? They wandered for hours but the fog did not abate. All five exhausted, all five weary, and soon all five were lost. A side tunnel was chosen for a temporary abode, rigged for safety by the artificer’s magical ways. Untrusting of bells and sparkling dust Maulduk stood, then sat, then slept through a watch. The adventurers awoke, one by one, unharmed and made ready.

The refreshed ranger found their footsteps and out of the Underdark they came; as they made their way back into the Citadel, Hadrioul knocked on the shell of Honu, arousing the rear guard to follow again. Back to their door by doorways – Eiric took the lead on one door too many and became a pin cushion for goblin arrows as a result.  His cry for help was answered by their barbarian, who shined in battle….literally. A celestial light emitted from Maulduk, serving death to his foes as efficiently as his blade. Krill and Seisha laid cover while Harioul got Eiric back in the fight. The cleric and tinkerer used their mastery over fire to finish the fight and as they slowly walked towards the dragon statues and cursed tree beyond, they pondered upon the emerging powers of each other as they slowly grew closer to being a tribe of their own, together.

XP: 100