Party: Alston Aldruist the human wizard (level 1), Belomash the half orc barbarian (level 1), Krumm Loadstone the dwarf cleric (level 1), Thom the halfling monk (level 1), Henrik the half elf ranger (level 1), Torrin Jrakkhos the dragonborn paladin (level 1) 

The party was hired on in Neverwinter by Gundren Rockseeker to escort supplies to Phandalin for 10gp each.  Rockseeker set out a day ahead of the group with instructions to meet up in less than a ten day.  

As the party travelled the Triboar trail, they discovered that goblins had ambushed Rockseeker and his associate Sildar Hallwinter.  The group defeated 4 goblins and followed a trail to a nearby cave system used by the Cragmaw bandits.   After defeating Klarg the bugbear, the group was able to negotiate the release of Slidar from the remaining goblins.   Slider informed the group that the Cragmaw bandits were sent to waylay Rockseeker in the hopes of taking the map to Wave Echo Mine, which he had recently uncovered.   Slider was traveling to Phandalin on business of the Lord’s Alliance, to investigate the apparent disappearance of the wizard Iarno Albrek.

The group agreed to accompany Slidar to Phandalin for 50gp and deliver their cargo and planned to setoff from there to Cragmaw Castle, where the goblins indicated that Rockseeker was being held.

XP: 341 each