Party:  Declan the human barbarian (9),  lIidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (9),  Gileas the human bard (9), Rolann the human pallidan (8), Kelderrin the gnome rogue (8),  Jax the half elf rogue (8),  Boarstack the duergar fighter (6)

A Cold Day at Kelvin’s Cairn

The warriors, invigorated by the chilled air and the thrill of victory, moved towards the oversized metal door leading to the cavern. Tactfully the barbarian surveyed the land, finding a shoddily hidden side entrance. Rolann called forth an unusually intelligent steed who took watch at the front. Stealth leading and strength following they went, coming across four orcs dining in a mess hall. Three went down quick; the fourth pin-cushioned with arrows and daggers, made escape down the hall. Most gave chase while two mucked about with pantry doors and marbles. The hall erupted in battle resulting in the floor covered with orc and ogre blood… but the pin cushion was nowhere to be found.

Jax’s determined to reclaim his lost ammo & Boarstack’d bloodlust took them to the end of the hall; applying their arsenal of abilities the discovered two frost giants and the errant orc. A stalemate was cut short by the brazen drow; Ilidan strode forth dropping a globe of darkness and led them into a blind battle… or most as the duergar once again disappeared. A sudden battle of the bards erupted, inspiring each side with word and song of victory…. Gileas’s voice rang true and bolstered them to defeat the warring giants, only to find out that their task was not yet complete. Ragner still lived.

Wearily the took stock; the heroes were winded, depleted and worse for wear. They found the prisoners and with a very different magical globe from the one before, rested briefly protected from the outside world. Penetrating the private quarters of the leader the clever gnome found a secret stash in the desk while Jax found a secret passage leading to Ragner at last, joined by a white dragon by their side. Bravely the barbarian stepped forth, offering the end of bloodshed for information. A flying axe ended the parley quite quickly, and with the rogues strategically placed, the final battle began. Kilderrin immediately found mushroom coverage that fit just right while the warriors waded into battle. The frost giant was a worthy opponent on his own but partnering with the dragon almost proved too much. Dwarf and giant fell, with only the dwarf rising; as they turned all their attacks against the icy drake and its freezing breath, the party ousted the dragon from its nest.

With prisoners, spoils of war and Jax’s bowling bag of heads full, they escorted the former prisoners back to town and with pockets heavy and bellies full all eyes turned East towards the hidden lair of Gall…

Update by James

3,107 each

Ormfrost’s hoard:
101 PP
1,120 GP
2,467 SP
3,358 CP
400 GP in gems
299 GO in art
Slippers of Spider Walking
Rod of the Pact

Hrimnar: 220 GP

Reward from Aldor Agorwal of Taermlaine for returing prisoners: 5,000 GP