Party: Alston Aldruist the human wizard (level 2), Belomash the half orc barbarian (level 2), Krumm Loadstone the dwarf cleric (level 2), Thom the halfling monk (level 2), Henrik the half elf ranger (level 2), Torrin Jrakkhos the dragonborn paladin (level 2)

The party checked in to the Stonehill Inn in Phandalin with Sildar Hallwinter and got to know the situation in town:

…Elmar Barthen welcomed the group to town and paid them for the supplied they brought from Neverwinter.
…Sister Garaele thanked Thom for his donation at the Shrine of Luck and suggested that the party’s strength could be put to good use.
…Halia Thornton offered the party a reward for the head of the Redbrand bandits that have been disrupting business in town.
…Harbin Wester the town master downplayed the threat of the Redbrand bandits.

After a fight at the Stonehill tavern, the party captured the leader of the Redbrands at their hideout at Tresendar Manor.  The Glasstaff turned out to be Iarno Albrek, the missing Lord’s Alliance wizard.  Iarno cooperated with the group and pointed them in the direction the Black Spider, a drow with an interest in finding Wave Echo cave, the home of the mines of the fabled Phandelver pack.   He also confirmed that Rockseeker was likely being held at Cragmaw Castle, somewhere to the north.

Will the group rescue Gundren Rockseeker before its too late ?

575 each

from the manor:
20 cp each
15 sp each
4 ep each
100 gp each
potion of healing,
potion of invisibility
three small bottles hold rare reagents: mercury, dragon bile, and powdered nightshade. These are worth 25 gp each
scroll of charm person
scroll of fireball.
staff of defense

from Halia’s job offer:
20 gp each