Party:  Declan the human barbarian (9),  lIidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (9),  Gileas the human bard (9), Rolann the human pallidan (9), Kelderrin the gnome rogue (8),  Jax the half elf rogue (9),

The sextet headed towards the rising sun, once more braving the harsh, cold frontier.  The wind whipped at them from all directions, but as they made camp danger once again followed their snowy trail. Wary, forewarned, and armed with the magical igloo of protection sung into existence, the group fought off yetis once again and added to their pelt collection.

Daybreak brought more trailblazing till the goblin encampment broke the horizon. The surviving gang member from the frost giant’s crew led them true. A plan quickly formed – the team would once again look to avoid bloodshed using disguise to obtain the location of Declan’s woman. Kelderrin bravely walked in, and the rest watched the fort swallow him whole. Minutes felt like weeks as they waited till it was too much.

Their patience had turned to thin ice, the precious cohesion formed became brittle and with an inaudible snap broke into six pieces. Ilidan disappeared round the back as Rolann and Declan attacked the wooden gate; and once inside it was chaos. Prisoners could be heard but not seen by all, shrouded in darkness; Jax and Declan surged through the front lines as Gileas protected their packs. Some looked for combat, others for peace and still others were thirsty for blood. The battle won but the day was lost; they were too slow and the only ones saved were a comely girl and a crowned pig.

The victory did not heal the group division:

Gileas lashed out at the brutality, striking friends in frustration

Ilidan rewarded his heroics with hugs that only he walked away from

Rolann disappeared, princess and pig in tow

Declan walked blindly through the aftermath, rage that he was no closer to his love

Jax struggled to bring the six together as one group again

And Kelderrin was heartbroken at his failed attempts to save the goblin women and children he alone discovered.

Exiting the burning fort, the five followed the trail left by the sixth; stench and smoke was left as their calling card. An easy path was left to follow and by nightfall the group was reunited. A stubborn Rolann’s concerns were laid to rest by the talented bard sending the wench off to Waterdeep with a strum and a song. It was decided the paladin would guard the royal pig and the tenuous group would forge East again in search of Declan’s heart.  Camp made, heads hot and hearts heavy they questioned their new goblin guide on the best road forward.

3,050 each