The fallen courier’s charge spoke of townspeople lost, crushed under the will of a vampyr, a vampire. The party were not children scared by bedtime stories and make believe; in contrast, the adventurers knew the danger of the undead was all too real. The village ahead could be the Bavoria in question or lead them there. Either way, they strode forth for answers and a way home.

Upon entering the village they learned much – people were divided into three… the sullen, the vivacious, and Vistani. The sullen were described as soulless, leaving a pit in the adventurer’s stomachs. Their investigations revealed two key things: the burgomaster’s daughter was indeed the object of affection to the vampire; and the Vistani could transport people through the mist. The burgomaster’s son took them to his ancestral home, where his sister awaited, and their father lay dead. The mansion was besotted with battle scars made by no man. This was no safe haven nor had it been for a long time. The puncture wounds on the sister’s neck underlined the vampire’s admirations, and finally it was agreed to that all needed an escape through the mist.

The siblings would not leave till their father was laid to rest and insisted it is done in secret. The heroes hatched a plan and made their way to the local clergy whose mad son rattled the floorboards which kept him prisoner…

XP: 200