Party:  Declan the human barbarian (9),  lIidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (9),  Gileas the human bard (9), Rolann the human pallidan (9), Kelderrin the gnome rogue (8),  Jax the half elf rogue (9),  Boarstack the duergar fighter (6)

Each day was colder than the one before. Each footstep trod took them farther east into the northern wasteland. Each mile they climbed, the air became thinner and even the simplest of tasks was draining. Rolann and Gileas began lagging at the end of the long walk but all made it to Gall’s encampment. Their goblin guide was left to his own devices.

The singular goal created a tenuous bond again, delicate like the skin of a new scar – sealed but threatening to rip once again. It was agreed, Gall and his soldiers would not walk away from today and with solemn nods they moved. Spying a two-headed ettin at the mouth of the cave, Kelderrin quickly formed a plan, and with the cleverness of a roadrunner the ettin was gone in a poof of snow over the ledge. Inside sat a goblin, quickly dispatched by Jax and Ilidan; the tiny creature was nothing of note, but his job was everything – bells on a string that led deep into the cave.

They followed the warning system, careful never to allow it to be rung while systematically they dispatched the slaver’s soldiers. The talented bard worked magic through his music, convincing foe to fight foe. Still the bells stayed silent. An icy passage to the south distracted them for a moment; the cold evil that lay beyond was not Gall. There was no decision other than back to the bells and rope.

The adventurers luck finally ran out; tactics used to take out two or six simply did not work on numbers beyond ten. A furious wall of axe and shield erupted from Declan, and fight with the orc platoon began in earnest. Boarstack used his grey magic to secure the orcs’ line of retreat; valiant but outnumbered one ran past the warrior as the adventurers took care of the rest.

The dwarf gave chase, and at the end of it was Declan’s quarry – Gall. The mithril tongued duergar kept the orc slaver busy till the others arrived but in truth Gall seemed to have not a care in the world. Slowly the barbarian approached, demanding answers. Gall goaded the barbarian till it seemed the only clue was the involvement of illithids and the next thing to be shared was blood….

(update by James)


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