They converged at the church, ready to lay the mayor to rest and quietly shared each other’s experiences. Honu’s interest in Hardioul’s telling of the entrapped son piqued the tortle’s interest the most and began rallying the troops to rid the earth of this evil; meanwhile the Morninglord cleric bent the ears of Iyrena and Ismarc. Plans, as they always do, changed.

The siblings agreed to bury their father in the early dawn light, as recommended by the priest. In turn, clerics from Oakhurst did their own turn of persuasion and convinced the father Bavoria would be better without the ghost of their son. With a deal made, a key given and a time set, the adventurers moved forward to the mansion to rest, and stand with the beugermaster’s children if evil returned.  A detour to the tavern was made, where a forgetful innkeeper enraged Seisha. Plates and glasses broke with no return of memory. With an opah and a huff they left, knowing night would soon be on them and made their final way to the mansion.

From there, they divided their efforts – Seisha took her time to meditate and Eiric set to fixing the broken wagon in the yard; the nervous half-elf needed to keep his tinkering hands busy. Krill and Maulduk looked to the defenses while the clerics two combined their knowledge on battling the undead. Other than a scare shared between Seisha and Iyrena, the night passed without incident.

Refreshed in the dull pre-dawn light, the group marched back to the church and cemetery beyond. Dirty work needed to be done; the siblings secured themselves in a safe room, and the group descended under the church to discover their suspicions true. The son had left this earth and risen as an Unholy creature…. A vampire. None hesitated in engaging as the undead filth climbed the walls and attacked; before long the sextet defeated the lost son.

Or so they thought.

As Eiric burned the corpse it lunged forth, burnt flesh hanging from the bony hand slashing out. The artificer fell back with an audible shudder. The quick-thinking warlock pried a bolt from her crossbow and stabbed away at the vampire with no effect. Honu yelled for wood, Hadrioul demanded stakes and Krill resourcefully plucked wooden spikes from the debris around them. Pinned down by Maulduk’s boot, they stabbed with their wooden knives and finally killed the beast.

With the body and room devoid of anything else, they solemnly made their way up the stairs….

XP: 450