Party: Belomash the half orc barbarian (level 3), Krumm Loadstone the dwarf cleric (level 3), Thom the halfling monk (level 3),  Torrin Jrakkhos the dragonborn paladin (level 3), Alston Aldruist the human wizard (level 3)

The party made their way to Waterdeep at the behest of Halia Thornton in order to recruit support for Phandelin.  They met with Ziraj the Hunter at the Yawning Portal.  Ziraj agreed to send reinforcements to replace the Redbrands in Phandelin and offered the party a job in Waterdeep.

Tess Adarbrent, a local noble associated with an upstart thieves guild in Waterdeep, was observed transporting a pig from a teleportation circle at the villa of a known demon worshipper.  Ziraj commissioned the party to steal the pig to keep it out of the hands of Zhent enemies before it could be unleashed on the city.   After casing the Adarbrent villa, the group made their way through the sewers, defeating giant crocodiles and a raiding party from the Xanathar’s guild.   Alston used a magical disguise to infiltrate the villa and then together with Belomash, stole away with the pig back into the sewers.   After bribing a group of wererats from the Shard Shunners, the pig was delivered to Ziraj and the party set back to Phandelin.

753 each
+3 Faction Renown for Zhentarim