Party:  Declan the human barbarian (10),  lIidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (10),  Gileas the human bard (9), Rolann the human pallidan (9), Kelderrin the gnome rogue (9),  Jax the half elf rogue (9),  Boarstack the duergar fighter (7)

The return of Declan was heralded by an onslaught of unholy creatures returned to ‘Un-Life.’ The barbarian’s muscle and steel were a welcome return to the fold as their camp was literally trampled by decaying Wooly Mammoths, gangrene frost giants, anorexic skeletons and orcs oozing from wounds suffered long ago. Each wave came forth in, calculated and cruel, commanded by howls across the tundra. Then a figure, a warrior wrapped in burial bandages came forth.

The Mummy Lord had arrived to take what was his.

The undead orc barbarian swung no sword, his gaze and fists were enough. With his fury unleashed, he cursed Kelderrin and Rolann to a premature death only days away – their flesh rotting as his rotted. He pummeled those around him into submission, fearful to even move. Gileas protected the saved prisoners, keeping them alive while the warriors to the south cleared their foes.

And when the tide looked to be turning in the party’s favor, the mummy disappeared in a wisp of sand and dust.

For their own survival Rolann and Kelderrin rode into the night, barely making it to Bryn Shander and the cure that awaited them. They collected horse and cart, meeting the adventurers on the road home, sharing news of frost giants attacking the settlements on the lakes. Boarstack and Declan, eager to get back to Luskan, agreed to stop at Bryn Shander again and determine the cause of this new invasion.

Was it the first giant they fell? Was it the Mummy Lord? Was Gaul’s demise the reason? They knew not, only that the frozen dam holding back evil at the Spine of the World had been shattered. A plan began to form on how to gather the information and was interrupted by a boulder smashing through the wall. Springing into action to defend themselves and those in Bryn Shander, they fought gnolls and giants. Jax and Ilidan’s accuracy held true as the party fought to hold the wall. The drow’s poison worked its magic, securing one prisoner as the rest fell. Bardic songs of healing enwrapped them as they marched to the slumbering giant, hungry for answers….

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(Update by James)

Returning to 10 Towns