Party:  Declan the human barbarian (10),  lIidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (10),  Gileas the human bard (9), Rolann the human pallidan (9), Kelderrin the gnome rogue (9),   Boarstack the duergar fighter (7)

The snores of the sleeping giant rolled over the snow-covered hills as the adventurers planned their next steps. One thing was sure; the trail of the illithids grew colder by the day. Gathering what they could from the frontier town, the group came together and with a strum of his lute Gileas ported them back to Luskan. The team made haste in preparing for their trek into the Underdark, sharing equipment and funds to equip themselves properly for a journey into an endless night. For their last task above ground, the party paid a visit to the 5th High Captain, in hopes that Captain Rethnor could guide them in the right direction through the tunnels under the Ruins of Illusk.

A simple parlay planned and granted with the request of leaving their weapons at the gate. Rolann and Kelderrin guarded their portable armory while the rest went inside. Upon entering the office a familiar face was seen; Tarmorin, the gnome necromancy, laid hogtied in the far corner. Questions of Gaul and the Illithids start slow and then escalated; the last sentence ended in bloodshed instead of a period.

This was the way of the world to most of the party these days.

The battle ended soon after it began. It became apparent that the dwarf and drow were intent on leaving no witnesses so bard and barbarian took their leave to do their business. On the way down, Gileas and Declan wordlessly passed Rolann and Kelderrin on the way up – the globe of darkness the permeated the building was the black beacon calling them up. The scene left little to the imagination, and as Boarstack and Ilidan attacked to kill, Rolann tried to save the captain’s life. All was for naught as the freed gnomish mage finished what rogue and warrior started. Tarmorin’s coup de grace was a fireball into the courtyard.

Friends at the gate, frustrations in the courtyard and foes vanquished; in the aftermath of it all, the weary made their way back to the tavern. Over drinks, Tarmarin offered gold for their services, retrieving essential components to everlasting life. And as they dispersed, a debt owed weighed on two.

Update by James 

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