Party: Belomash the half orc barbarian (level 4), Krumm Loadstone the dwarf cleric (level 4), Thom the halfling monk (level 4),  Torrin Jrakkhos the dragonborn paladin (level 4), Alston Aldruist the human wizard (level 4), Henrik Hobgoblin Slayer the half elf ranger (Level 3)

The party returned to Phandalin with Zhentarim reinforcements from Waterdeep.   Gundren Rockseeker, still recovering from his injuries, implored the group to find his brothers and clear the mines at Wave Echo Cave.

The party made their way into the mine to the east of Phandalin and immediately found the body of one of the Rockseeker brothers.   Inside, the group pushed through remnants of a long ago war, fighting zombies, ghouls, a dangerous flameskull, before encountering a group of Hobgoblins that signaled that the Black Spider was here.

Will the group find the missing Rockseeker and seize the power of the Lost Mines of Phandelver from the Black Spider or will they become another pile of bones for the countless ghouls in Wave Echo Cave to gnaw on ?   Find out in Session 7.

1225 each