Party:  Declan the human barbarian (10),  lIidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (10),  Gileas the human bard (9),  Boarstack the duergar fighter (8), Azul Aïdesson the human wizard (6), Feikiran the half elf sorcerer (6)

The sun rose on their last day above ground and all but two sat around the table strewn with eggs, sausage and morning ale. Ilidan led them to the scene of the crime, where Rolann and Kelderrin were organizing a clean-up. Through a series of unforeseen events, the dutiful paladin was found to be the new High Captain with the kind-hearted gnome as his right Hand. Plans for a hospice and building a scrupulous guard were met with disbelief and their dedication to the cause was punctuated by the arrival of the last High Captain’s newly orphaned son. Boarstack quickly pointed out the irony and foreshadowing but the two would not be turned.

As bard, barbarian, rogues and warrior walked away, it was Ilidan who lingered last. The unusual friendship between him and Rolann was frayed and gods help the one bearing witness if it were ever to come undone.

Anxious to see the group return with his prize, the necromancer arranged for an arcane man-at-arms to join and rounding the group the Trading Company sent their own spell slinger along to look out for their best interests. With seasoned skills and new blood, Boarstack and Ilidan led the way to the Underdark, to save family and seek vengeance on the evil illithids.

Hours turned days, days into 10-Day and more; the constant dark and tons of earth overhead began to wear on most. Other magical eeriness seeped its way into their minds, and a mild madness began to form. Fight or flight faced them at a great chasm with drow and unholy beasts at their heel. The newcomers dropped not one but two fireballs on the derelict drow without a single one falling. The decision to turn and run was made complete with Declan’s wisdom leading the way. Magical webbings covered their rear as they stole away, alive but also worse for wear. Making their way to an oasis filled with giant mushrooms the adventurers settled into magical huts, gathering their strength for the second, and hopefully last, leg of their journey.

The next obstacle was a cackle or underground orcs. Threats and bribes had little effect. Finally negotiations to rid the Underdark of what seemed to be a common enemy were made, and to gain passage they agreed to dispatch an ettin and her crew further down the trail. But as they did, they encountered an imp who loved the ettin, or so they thought. For as they went back to aggressively renegotiate with the orcs, the imp had his own ideas…..

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