Party: Gunn Ainm (level 5 Human Druid), Kyrin Fendellin (level 3 Half Elf Bard), Marcus (level 5 Human Cleric),  ? (level 3 Aasimar Paladin), Gullwyn LongStaff (level 5 human wizard)

As you are traveling from Waterdeep to Neverwinter, you stop at Helms Hold to pay a visit to some old friends, Annatik and Reeth Togrun.  Upon arriving, you find Annatik in a panic as his brother Reeth has been missing for 4 days.   Will you help find your old friend Annatik ?

Recap:  The party investigated the stone working warehouse where Reeth had been working and encountered a group of Duergar.  After defeating the Duargar and accosting the stone merchant Dorris (and ultimately promising to let him go free), Dorris confirmed that he had been sending workers down through the sewers to a group of Duergar.  Some schematics from the warehouse office seemed to confirm that something was going on under the warehouse.  A trip through the sewers led the party to uncover a plot by a group of Duergars to blow up the city walls.  The party emerged victorious and turned over some Duergar prisoners to the Helms Hold watch.

Who was really behind the plot ?   Perhaps the hidden letters that Gullwynn Longstaff is working on translating will reveal more ?



1420 each