Party:  Declan the human barbarian (11),  lIidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (11),  Gileas the human bard (10),  Jax the half elf rogue (10), Boarstack the duergar fighter (8), Azul Aïdesson the human wizard (6), Feikiran the half elf sorcerer (6)

The party found a brief respite to the monotony of the underdark when they encountered a pair of Duegar fire beetle herders, Zeks and Edsel, that led them to a peaceful oasis and its beautiful caretaker, Annarei.  While enjoying Annarei’s psychedelic hospitality, the group was surprised as undead shambled into the garden and attacked.  Annarei implored the party to follow the undead back to their source and dispatch them.    

The group uncovered a tomb that seemed to be the source of the undead.  Inside they found and destroyed a number of zombies skeletons, undead ogres, and the mummy of a drow priestess.   A grateful Annarei rewarded the party with a supply of Gresyl, a psychotropic wine made from Timmask mushrooms.   After learning about the party’s journey, she also offered to summon the devil Graz’zt to help them…for a price.  

Will the group continue it’s long trudge through the underdark to Gracklstugh by foot, or will the consider paying a steep price to Graz’zt to bring them to their journey’s end ?
