Party: Belomash the half orc barbarian (level 4), Krumm Loadstone the dwarf cleric (level 4), Thom the halfling monk (level 4),   Henrik Hobgoblin Slayer the half elf ranger (Level 4)

The party continued through the mines until the reached a great Dwarven temple, guarded by Bugbears and the Drow they had previously encountered at Cragmaw Castle.  They negotiated their way inside the temple and met the Black Spider who was revealed as a Drider.  After the Black Spider refused the group’s demands that he leave the mines, they convinced the Drow to turn a blind eye (for a share of the mine’s profits), and they returned to do battle.  After an arduous floor to ceiling battle, the party emerged victorious.

While investigating the temple, Krumm was directed to a map and note by the Statue of Dumethoin and vowed to take revenge on everyone involved in the destruction of his homeland:

Matron Mother Hunzrin grows impatient with your efforts to secure the magical forge at Wave Echo cave.   We have confirmed that the plague has cleared the dwarfs from the mining outpost north of Mirabar.   The Duergar we have contracted with will start up mining operations there soon and we will begin shipping high quality mirthril to Wave Echo Cave to be forged into enchanted weapons.   You must be prepared to process this ore before the end of the year.   

Halisstra, High priestess for Matron Mother Shakti Hunzrin

A second letter read…

Our allies in Luskan have suffered a setback.   Escort your first batch of arms to their outpost in Old Illusk and work with High Priestess Amaress and her team there.  Assist her in her efforts to reestablish our hold in Luskan, and then retrieve your wayward brother and return him to Menzoberranzan where he can take your place in Lolth’s service.

Failure will not be tolerated.  

Halisstra, High priestess for Matron Mother Shakti Hunzrin

The group found and freed Nundro who was being held captive by the Black Spider.  On their way out of the mine they secured the magical forge and banished all of the remaining undead. They returned to Phandalin triumphant and ready for their next adventure.

1,750 each