Party:  Declan the human barbarian (11),  lIidan Hunzrin the drow rogue (11),  Gileas the human bard (10),  Jax the half elf rogue (10),  Azul Aïdesson the human wizard (6), Feikiran the half elf sorcerer (6)

A few days after leaving Annarei’s psychedelic oasis, Boarstack went missing.  The group search in vain and then decided the best course of action was to proceed to Mantol Derith and hope that Boarstack would catch up with them there.

As the party worked its way through the Wormwrithings, they were ambushed by Umberhulks and then faced off against a Purple Worm, with Illidan showboating his way to a victory.

By the time they reached Mentol Derith, the group was ready for some rest, but arrived in the middle of a conflict between madness touched Duergar and Deep Gnomes.   Looking for answers, Jax suggested they make their way to the Zhentarim district to speak with Ghazrim Duloc.

Will the party cure the madness that has corrupted Mentol Derith or will they push forward to Graklstugh ?

