Party: Boarstack, Kelderrin, Rolann, Marcus
XP: 1,463

A sometime ally, Grimm Milestone, let’s the party know that a psychopathic killer is loose within the bowels of a decrepit asylum located in Luskan’s slums.  To make Luskan a safer place, Captain Rolann and his comrades attempt to hunt down the murderer.  Upon arrival at the asylum, Emil, the head of the facility, paints a grim picture.  Some patients have gone missing while others are brutally slain.  She shows them the gory state of the most recent victim, with the heart pulled out from the chest and the eyes turned white.  The party figures out that this might be the sign of a person’s soul be sucked out of their body.

They head down into the lower levels of the asylum.  The band grimly goes room by room until they run into gibbering mouthers,  which they quickly dispatch.  Eventually, they find an iron door that leads into a subterranean world filled with tunnels and caverns.

Kelderrin scouts ahead of the group and walks past some innocent looking stalagmites on the cavern floor.  Unfortunately, these were not rock formations, but ropers.  Boarstack and Rolann charged into action while Marcus tried to heal and defend his comrades.  After a long, bloody battle, the group manages to defeat the ropers.  After conferring, they decide that they must get some rest and recruit more help.  Before leaving, they assign a few guards to protect the asylum…


recap by Chris