Party:  Krum, Henrik, Torinn, Thom

Looking for coin after recovering from their battle with the Black Spider, the party took a job from Barthen’s Provisions escorting a shipment to Harbin Wester’s logging camp in Neverwinter wood.  After briefly getting lost, and assaulting a boar shaped half orc, the group made it to their destination.

The camp appeared abandoned when they arrived, but quickly discovered that the loggers were eaten by Ankheg.  After dispatching the Ankheg the group listened to Harbin Wester’s problem with local orcs and half orcs.   They proceeded to the 2nd stop on their journey, Falcon’s Hunting Lodge, where they listened to still more tales of menacing orcs.  Falcon provided a pair of Elven Boots to Heenrik if they would eliminate the threat.

After resting at the lodge, the party proceeded to an old Woodland Manse that the orcs were using as their base.  They encountered and defeated an anchorite of Talos who pleaded with the group to see the harm that the logging camp was doing.  The party murdered the half orc when the discussion did not end the way they hoped.  After defeating some additional orcs and twig blights, the group encountered spied a Gulthias tree in the courtyard and weighed the benefits of destroying the tree and the ranging boar / half orcs in the pumpkin orchards….