The party needs to find a frost giant axe to open up the chamber to the Oracle. They travel south to the dining hall and do combat with a Remohaz, which swallows up Rolann whole. After liberating the paladin from the monster, they find the axe.
Then, the band turned their attention to the north. After surviving a trap involving a forty-foot high boulder, the group turned west to investigate the caverns. They root out a nest of giant spiders and recover the missing barbarian woman Nori and also a friendly dragonborn. They return Nori to her people. After giving Gileas a magical amulet, the barbarians depart.
With Harshnag wielding the frost giant axe, the Oracle’s chamber opens up and they talk with the ghost of a giant named Eigeron, who had been killed by his jealous father. The party learns that they must recover a magical conch in order to root out the evil in Hektaron’s court. In order to learn the location of a magical conch, the party must set out to the Great Worm Cavern to recover a giant relic in the form of a broken shield.
Gileas Attempts to Orally Recount, in Dramatic Prose, their Adventure in the Giant Temple
Dim light casts eerie shadows over six giant statues posed humbly before the All-Father. We stood quietly as Harshnag explained that the Oracle’s chamber opens when a giant takes up a weapon from one of the statues and touches it against the correct rune inscribed upon the archway. Harshnag noted that the frost giant statue’s weapon, an axe, is missing.
My comrades and I decided to look for the frost giant axe, and headed to the south to investigate. It didn’t take very long before we saw an enormous, worm-like Remorhaz lurking in the room. The monster attacked Sir Rolann and swallowed him up whole. The band of adventurers attacked the Remorhaz with determined fury to recover their comrade. After a desperate battle, we defeated the monster and recovered a still-living Rolann from its slimy belly.
Went the distance, now he’s back on his feet.
Just a man and his will to survive.
Umm…we invited Harshnag to recover the axe as we conducted a search of the rest of the temple. As we travel up the corridor, we unexpectedly tripped a magical trap that set a forty-foot high boulder thundering down the hallway.
So many times it happens too fast
(Audible Sigh.) We managed to come out as survivors of that trap. After another mishap where Illidan…unintentionally…re-triggered the trap on Kelderrin (who somehow safely got away), we turned west to explore a narrow set of tunnels and caverns. There we destroyed a nest of giant ice spiders and found the barbarian woman Nori and a Dragonborn in a spidery cocoon.
Upon returning Nori to the barbarians, the leader gave me a magical amulet and the barbarians departed. We returned to Harshnag and he opened the chamber to the Oracle.
To our surprise, we discovered the ghost of a giant named Eigeron, who had been killed by his jealous father. According to the ghost, all the giants had dreams of glory because they were told that they could prove themselves to their Gods by fighting some sort of civil war.
Don’t lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive
Err…anyhow…Eigeron explained that we could only ask six question of the Eye of the All-Father. Before we posed our questions to the Oracle, Boarstack revealed that he had seen strange, disturbing visions of a dwarven damn that was going to be destroyed by a fire giant.
Face to face, out in the heat
Ahem…then, we prepared to ask our questions of the Eye of the All-Father.
The Eye of the All-Father
Sooooo…back on topic…for our first question, Nord asked: “Who Am I?” To which the Oracle could give no answer, for it only responds to questions related to giants.
For the second question, Kelderrin asked: “What can we do to stop the giants from fighting?” To which the Oracle answered that the Ordning between the Giants had been broken.
For our third question, I asked: “What must be done for the Ordning to be restored?” To which the Oracles answered that we must find and blow upon a magic conch to visit Hekaton’s court and to root out the evil therein.
For our fourth question, I asked: “Where can the conch be found.?” To which the Oracle answered that it would be in the hands of a giant lord.
For our fifth question, at the clever suggestion of Jax, I asked: “Where can we find the nearest conch that will take us to Hekaton’s court?” To which the Oracle told us that we must prove our worth. And that we must bring back the lost giant relics stolen and buried by the Uthgart.
At this point, Harshnag, the taciturn giant, explained that he had a map that could help us. Harshnag has been trying to find out the location of these artifacts, and believes the closest one is a broken shield in the Great Worm Cavern. It appears that we must recover this shield and return it here to prove our worth to the Eye of the All-Father.
The Eye of the All-Father…
Kelderrin, I’m trying to narrate our adventures in dramatic prose. Could you stop bursting into song every so often? It’s very distracting.
The Eye of the All-Father…