Party: Declan, Ilidan, Gileas, Jax, Kelderrin, Rolann, Nord
XP: 3,675
Party: Boarstack, Gileas, Illidan, Jax, Kelderrin, Nord and Rolann

After the passage of Proposition 22, Santa Klauth sends members of his Cult of the Dragon (now classified as independent contractors) to pick up the party via airship. Delsephine explains that the Cult of the Dragon’s goal is to Make Dragons Great Again. After only a moment of hesitation, the party gets onto the airship and they are transported to the Great Wyrm Cavern.

At the entrance to cavern, the diverse party makes their way across a narrow bridge – trying to stay in the center despite the winds. Going too far left or going too far right could doom their attempt at success.

Once across, Gileas suffers a mental health crisis. Thankfully due to Kelderrin’s swift intervention, the crises is resolved without the use of (much) violence. Gileas, like any honest politician, tells the party to go right when the object of their quest is to the left.

Upon coming across some ghostly warriors, the party makes quick work of them to ensure that the votes of the dead are not counted in any local election.

Later, they encounter a fiery-feathered Vrock who had claimed control of the caverns with his undead Frost Giant minion. After reasoning with the Vrock (with penetrating logic and cutting persuasion), the Vrock is defeated. Upon their victory, a non-indigenous Coatl is released from its prison. Fortunately, taking the right passage ended up being helpful because the Coatl warns the party of the great dangers to the left that include a dragon and a taxing trap. Fortunately, the Coatl tells them that they can avoid the trap by starting a fire (in a brazier) and saying a non-denominational prayer (which will also avoid any separation of church and state issue).

Will the party continue to find success by running on a platform of wealth redistribution and population control in an indiscriminate…ahem…non-discriminatory manner?

D&D: Dominatrix and Dragons
(the not-as-safe and longer version)
(The following session write-up could be easily misinterpreted by those of unsound mind)

The party looks up into the sky to a sleek airship hovering above. The ship’s crew are all clad in tight-fitting black leather bodysuits with matching masks. Mistress Delsephine leads the crew. She orders her servants to throw down ropes and makes the party climb up to meet her. The leather-clad Delsephine informs the party that her master, Klauth the Red Dragon, sent this airship to take the party to a kink dungeon known as the Great Wyrm Cavern.

Upon arriving at their destination, the party decides to tie each other up in pairs to cross a bridge. Each person must endure the agony of being whipped by the cold winds and blown mercilessly until they make it across. Illidan gets blown more than the others and, to make it across, he must use both hands to tightly grip his daggers while plunging them repeatedly into the ice.

The party enters a mysterious cavern with a raised dais. Without consent, a Coatl invades Gileas’ mind. The Coatl offers information to Gileas in recovering the giant’s shield relic. It mentions that Wormblod, the sadistic Uthgart leader, has been corrupted and imprisoned the Coatl within these dark caves. Meanwhile, Kelderrin gets onto Gileas’ chest and begins slapping the bard in the face.

Gileas awakens and directs the party to the mysterious right door. After walking through a dark and gloomy passage, they arrive in a chamber with undead warriors. Gileas uses a rousing tune to inspire his companions. Nord and Boarstack charge forward to do some whacking. Jax uses his mighty shaft to take down another foe with one shot. Illidan enjoys getting in behind his enemies to do some thrusting. Kelderrin arrives to find that his comrades left no playmates for him.

The party backtracks to another turn in the tunnel. There, they find a large room with a magic circle inscribed with runes. Another doorway is blocked with a huge slab of ice. Boarstack goes up to the barrier and gives it a good beating. After a good beating by Boarstack, the icy barrier collapses and leaves Boarstack…exposed to those on the other side.

In the center of the secret chamber of a rowan tree has been hewn asunder and it holds a serpentine shape trapped within a block of ice. Hovering above, an avian-demon Vrock stares down at the party with sinister intent. As the session begins, a Frost Giant zombie rises up to serve its crimson-feathered master, the Vrock.

During the battle, Nord and Boarstack charges into the scene to have a rough and dirty engagement with the Frost Giant. Rolann, not wanting to be left out, squeezes in between Nord and Boarstack. In the heat of battle, Illidan and Jax delivers bad pain to their enemies with bolts and arrows. Meanwhile, Gileas grabs at a fuzzy ball in his bag to unleash his hairy lion at their opponents. The bard follows up by using verbal humiliation and oral abuse to mentally dominate the Vrock. Kelderrin whips out his wand, which repeatedly spews out a white, sticky substance to restrain the Vrock. Alas, the Vrock could not find a safe word to utter, and the party victoriously dominated the Vrock and the Frost Giant.

Gasping with relief, the Coatl emerges from its icy prison. While the party engages in some aftercare, the Coatl debriefs them. The Coatl acknowledges that the giant relic shield is on the other side of the cavern. It is guarded by the dragon Winterhorny. The approach to Winterhorny might look safe, but the Coatl gives a clear warning.

It’s a trap.

The trap can only be overcome by lighting a brazier and uttering a prayer. After bypassing the trap, the party should expect a very exciting and violent session with Winterhorny that will push them to their limits.