Party: Ferus, Haryk, Hawlkrin, Talion, Thoradaen

After a seemingly interminable time wandering the labyrinthine hallways of the demon-populated dungeon, the band finally came across a locked door that could not be opened, despite the best efforts of Hawlkrin’s “Knock” spell. Upon closer inspection, he noticed a uniquely shaped keyway that appeared to mirror one of the mysterious objects that they had gained after their battle with the babau demon. Hawlkrin then spent much of his time investigating a wicked altar in the room, though nothing of consequence was discovered. Recognizing that the door would only open if they offered the completed key, the party trudged on knowing that any other components would only be won after encounters with more dangerous demons.

Leaving the altar room, they encountered a horde of mane demons, which Thoradaen dispatched handily through a misinterpretation of the rules of combat. The manes didn’t complain – they’re rather mindless that way – but Thoradaen can be sure no such overwhelming advantage will be granted to him again.

Coming to a cavernous hall with several colossal pillars stretching up to its top, the band entered cautiously suspecting the worst. Their fears were well-founded: as they inspected the room a barlgura dropped from the ceiling and pummeled Thoradaen brutally. Haryk and Ferus attempted to come to the dwarf’s defense through their spells and arrows, while Hawlkrin and Talion found themselves enmeshed in vines – another Barlgura manifested from its invisibility and joined the fight, entangling the two spellcasters.

.barlgura pic

After a brutal battle that hinged on Ferus’ spells meting out severe damage to one of the demons, the team found themselves battered, yet alive. Out of the melting remains of one of the gorilla-like foes, an onyx cylinder appeared which appeared to complete the key. Haryk also spotted among the scattered bones of past victims a bow shaft that felt cold to the touch, obviously magical in nature. As they were about to retrace their path to the door they hoped would take them home, a curious gnome appeared from a hidden doorway. Introducing himself as Bringle Wizzitpuff, he told the group he had also been cast into this dungeon along with some other adventurers from his village. They had attempted to attack a slave caravan and had underestimated the powers of the dark priestess who led it. His mates had all been killed, and Bringle had been hiding, hoping a solution would present itself.


Allowing the gnome to accompany them back to the door, they arrived and inserted the now-complete key into the lock. A warmth enveloped Talion as he turned the key, and a portal appeared. Hoping to once again return to Waterdeep and Trollskull Manor, they stepped through, only to find themselves staring out across the frozen tundra of Icewind Dale….

icewind dale