Party: Boarstack, Ilidan, Gileas, Jax, Kelderrin, Rolann, Nord
XP: 1,667

Party:  Boarstack, Gileas, Illidan, Jax, Kelderrin, Nord and Rolann

Within the Great Worm Cavern, the party continues to search for the relic shield of the Giants.

From the main chamber, they travel through the left passage.  Jax recites a prayer and lights a brazier to bypass a magical trap.  The party encounters, and then incapacitates, a pair of uncooperative barbarians.

In the next chamber, the band of adventurers has a brutal encounter with Winterhorn, the White Dragon.  The dragon bites off Rolann’s left hand and blasts Gileas and Nord (and the hidden Illidan) with its icy breath.  It seems to be able to detect hidden and invisible members of the party, relentlessly attacking Jax and using its magic and breath attack on Kelderrin, Rolann and Boarstack.  The party’s doggedly determined attacks wear Winterhorn down until the white dragon flees through an opening in the top of its lair.

The party finds the relic shield, along with other loot.  Several hours later, the party arrives, with the relic shield, to visit the Eye of the All-Father.  The Oracle reveals the following information:

  • The nearest magical conch is in the clutches of Zalto, the Fire Giant King.
  • Zalto’s fortifications are in the Ice Spires
  • There are two passageways into fortifications: from below in the mines or from atop in the mountains.
  • Fire Giants are immune to fire.
  • Zalto’s weakness is his family.
  • The party must restore Ordning and Hekaton’s [beautiful?] daughter Serissa is the key.

An ancient blue dragon appears at the temple.  As Harshnag keeps the dragon busy, the party makes their escape.  The band quickly boards the airship and heads to Citadel Felbarr, which will serve as a waypoint to Zalto’s fortress in the Ice Spires.


*The Quest for the Holy Relic Shield – the Embellished Version*
(A familiarity with British comedy is helpful here)

A merry band of adventurers continues on their quest for the Holy Relic Shield.

They encounter a pretty young female barbarian and her nervous male companion.  It becomes quickly clear that Rolann represents the violence inherent in the system and the young male barbarian is being repressed by him.  The young barbarians succumb to Illidan’s and Rolann’s repression, and are left behind in the cavern while the main party advances.

Kelderrin stealthily scouts ahead while Rolann walks brazenly behind him.  In his mind, Gileas thinks up of a lovely tune that might inspire Rolann:

Bravely bold, Sir Rolann goes forth.  He was not afraid to die, O brave Sir Rolann. He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways, Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Rolann!

He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp, Or to have his eyes gouged out and his elbows broken (or his hand bit off?), To have his kneecaps split and his body burned away And his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Rolann!

Before Gileas can belt out the song, a flickering shadow streaks down and scoops up Rolann in its claws.  Winterhorn the White Dragon is now gripping the paladin in the same manner that a swallow would carry a coconut.

As Jax gazes upon the shocking scene, he immediately begins to wonder what kind of air-speed velocity a dragon needs to carry an armored paladin.  After all, an unladen dragon needs to beat its wings 43 times every second…

The White Dragon swoops over Gileas, Nord and Illidan.  With a taunting smile worthy of a Frenchman, Winterhorn opens it mouth to launch a fearsome blast of ice at the three companions. 

Winterhorn bites off Rolann’s hand and drops the hapless paladin to the ground.  Kelderrin crawls over to Rolann.

“Are you all right, Rolann?” Kelderrin asks fretfully.

“Hmph….‘tis but a scratch,” Rolann grunts.  “I’ve had worse.  Just a flesh wound.”

“Run away!” Kelderrin cries out in panic.  Disoriented, he ends up running towards the dragon.

The other members of this merry band press forward to fight this dragon that is more vicious than a killer rabbit.  Boarstack turns himself invisible and charges forward to try and repress the dragon.  Illidan sneaks forward while levitating…which makes him lighter than a duck (we all know a duck is the same weight as wood which is also the same weight as a witch which is why a witch floats and also burns, and therefore, we know that a duck weighs as much as a witch, but it clearly weighs much more than Illidan).  Jax and Gileas also make their way up by more conventional means.  Meanwhile, Nord takes aim with his crossbow.

With sheer luck (and single-minded determination and more luck), the party manages to chase away Winterhorn from its lair.  They quickly recover the relic shield and some nifty items, before heading back.

On their way out, they encounter the pair of young barbarians.  The young woman attacks Gileas.

Kelderrin steps in between them.  “You are in peril from this woman, Gileas.  Let me help, it is my duty to sample as much peril as I can.”

“No, we’ve got to return the holy relic shield.  Come on,” says Boarstack.

“Oh, just let me have a little bit of peril!” Kelderrin begs.

“No, it’s unhealthy.”

With that, the party returns with the relic to the Eye of the All-Father.  There, they encounter another dragon and bravely allow Harshnag to keep it entertained.  As their airship sails eastward, they see a swallow flying with a coconut clutched in its talons.



Question:  Why are bards so difficult to trust?


Answer:  Because bards love a good lyre as much as they love getting their lute.