Party: Raith, Shadow, Marue, Grimish
XP: 463

I Love It When a Phlan Comes Together

Short Summary

A ten-day ago, a crack unit of adventurers arrived in Phlan.  These men promptly escaped from the thieves’ guild into the Phlan underground.  Today, still wanted by the thieves’ guild, they survive as soldiers of fortune.  If you have a problem…if no one else can help…and if you can find them…maybe you can hire…The A-Party. [cue music]


Raith, as Hannibal
(the “Master of Disguise” who impersonates other Elves)

Shadow, as Face
(the handsome cat who did something to his face)

Marue, as Murdock
(everyone thinks he’s crazy when he knows he’s not)

Grimish, as B.A. Baracus
(undisputed bad ass)

Long Summary

There is a quaint little inn at Phlan that caters to earnest adventurers.  While staying at the inn, Raith, Shadow, Marue and Grimish are called upon as an adventuring party (aka, A-Party) to help the Harpers.  The Harper agent asks that Raith disguise himself to buy a red dragon egg (with fake diamonds) from a seller of scaly contraband.  In addition, a tracking device must be planted on the seller so that the Harpers can track them down.  The A-Party accepts this mission.

On the next night, the A-Party makes their way to a designated rendezvous at an abandoned farm.  There, they manage to buy the egg and plant the tracking device on the seller.  The A-Party and the sellers are surprised by a band of thugs seeking to claim the dragon egg.  A short and dirty fight ensues, involving Shadow circling around to attack from behind, Raith using his magic and skills, Grimish hacking away with his axe and Marue jumping into a pile of hay.  The victorious A-Party discovers that these hooligans are from the Welcomers, a local thieves’ guild.  Upon returning with the dragon egg, the Harper agent notices that the dragon egg was a fake.  Despite this, the Harpers will track down the sellers of illegal contraband.

A gnome brew-master hires the A-Party to clear his cellars of an infestation of giant rats.  These giant rats had come in from a large break in the wall.  The A-Party clears out a large swarm of giant rats in the cellar before moving into a hidden hallway beyond the break in the cellar wall.  While inside, they solve a riddle to bypass a cunning trap hidden in a mosaic on the floor.  The A-Party enters a laboratory where Marue is attacked by a fiery spider.  After dispatching the spider, they discover the source of the giant rats…broken vials of magical chemicals being consumed by regular rats.  A little further investigation in another room leads to Marue learning the principle of aggro by sticking his head in a well and being bitten by angry centipedes.  The A-Party returns victorious and awaits their next paying job.